What should I change?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Reading different threads on this forum is humbling and makes me realise how lucky I am to have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes rather than fully-fledged Type 2. My GP's advice was to reduce carbohydrates and read up online. I am of slight build (49Kilos), don't smoke, eat healthily and exercise regularly - ie daily, including walking, cycling, swimming and pilates in my weekly routine. In summer I cycle at least 100 miles a week, sometimes twice that, and I swim 50 lengths twice a week. Am I overdoing it? Or has anyone got any other advice on lowering blood sugars naturally - I do have a sweet tooth but never eat more than two sweet treats daily. Also, should I be testing - I wasn't offered any testing gear by the NHS, I'm almost 67. Thanks for your help.
Welcome @RedSquirrel 🙂 You sound very active and that’s great! Can you give us an idea of an average day’s food for you pre-diagnosis?
Many who are already slim find if they reduce their carbs without compensating by increasing protein and healthy fats lose weight which they can't afford to do.
You certainly are pretty active and credit to you for that.
What was your HbA1C as if not too near to top of the range 42-47mmol/mol then you probably don't really need to do very much. Maybe reduce any sweet stuff and have nuts instead or make your own low carb cakes and biscuits which would be low carb. Many recipes for those on the website sugarfreelondoner. One of our contributors @Martin62 does some fabulous weekly bakes he posts.
Welcome @RedSquirrel 🙂 You sound very active and that’s great! Can you give us an idea of an average day’s food for you pre-diagnosis?
Sorry, out cycling or I would have answered sooner! Pre-diagnosis, I would usually skip breakfast as that's my form of intermittant dieting to control weight and fitness. Also, I'm never hungry in the morning. Occasionally, if doing a 40+ mile cycle, I would first have porridge with berries and a spoonful of 5% plain yoghurt. Lunch tended to be cheese/ham and tomato sandwich with an apple, and dinner some form of protein with potatoes or rice and loads of veg. I might have a digestive biscuit after an after-lunch snooze, (retirement rocks!) and probably a twix or something similar during the evening if I hadn't already had a pudding. (I'm now using the Mediterranean diet recommended by Diabetes UK although it seems to have a lot of carbs in it??). Thanks for your help.
Many who are already slim find if they reduce their carbs without compensating by increasing protein and healthy fats lose weight which they can't afford to do.
You certainly are pretty active and credit to you for that.
What was your HbA1C as if not too near to top of the range 42-47mmol/mol then you probably don't really need to do very much. Maybe reduce any sweet stuff and have nuts instead or make your own low carb cakes and biscuits which would be low carb. Many recipes for those on the website sugarfreelondoner. One of our contributors @Martin62 does some fabulous weekly bakes he posts.
Thanks Leadinglights. This is reassuring - especially the directions to low carb cakes and biscuits! My Hbaic was 44 and my cholesterol 5.9.
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