What Pump Are You On

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm quite new here and I would be grateful if you pumpers could let me know which pump you use? Thanks.
i use the accu check spirit combo
Hi Spiritfree,

I've got the Medtronic Paradigm Veo and I think it's amazing (although I have no experience of other pumps so can't compare). Anyway, I'd highly recommend it.
Medtronic Paradigm 722 here, had the Paradigm 522 before.
Alex has the medtronic veo with ocassional sensors and silouettes.:DBev
Animas 2020 for me.
I have the Medtronic Paradigm Veo 754 with sils
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I'm using the Medtronic Veo 554
Accu check spirit combo (haven't been given the remote/blood glucose monitor bit yet though). Love this pump - any problems to date have been entirely my own making! :D

It came in really handy last weekend - stuck in hospital with our baby & able to change the basal rates to allow for stress / no sleep - utterly brilliant & sooooo much better than mdi! 🙂

Twitchy. I Had to buy the remote myself as my clinic won't buy them. It was ?140. I am going to learn to use it on monday 20th, next monday.I am really looking forward to it.
I've got the accu-chek spirit, so no wizards for me, but it's does it's job and I seem to be able to calculate very well to keep it going and avoid stacking the insulin etc..

But would love to have an Animas 2020 or a pump with wizards to see if it improves my control even more..
Sorry, I'm rather late replying to posts, due to other health problems. Well, hubby booked day off and off we went to clinic. I thought it was quieter than normal when we rang the bell, sat down and waited. A lady answered and told us that she had phoned me the week before to cancen the appointment. I told her no-one phoned me abd she said she left message on answerphone. That's strange, I told her, I don't have an answerphone. Anyway , after I got really upset because hubby lost a day holiday for nothing, she said she would phone me next day, which she did. Anyway, without blabbing anymore, I will now be trained on 10th november. Watch this space hahahahahahahahaha!!
Medtronic Veo 522 with go-faster stripes 😉
Accu-Check spirit combo , very happy with it so far 🙂
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