What number would you cancel background test at.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So if you’re how high would would bg have to be before a background test to cancel you’re plans.
I wouldn't cancel my plans. I would just take some fast acting insulin if my blood sugar was that high and then monitor afterwards, depending on the activity.

Having said that, I did cut short my christmas night out, as I couldn't get a finger prick test to work as my meter was so cold, so because I couldn't verify my blood sugar, and therefore didn't know how to treat any hypo/hyper, I decided to go home. My own fault for leaving it in the boot of my girlfriend's car and not carrying it with me.
So if you’re how high would would bg have to be before a background test to cancel you’re plans.
Surely if you are doing a basal test it would be going low that would be of concern as you would have to treat if you were at hypo level.
Have you read the instructions for conducting basal testing, I'm sure it is somewhere on the site.
I wouldn't cancel my plans. I would just take some fast acting insulin if my blood sugar was that high and then monitor afterwards, depending on the activity.

Having said that, I did cut short my christmas night out, as I couldn't get a finger prick test to work as my meter was so cold, so because I couldn't verify my blood sugar, and therefore didn't know how to treat any hypo/hyper, I decided to go home. My own fault for leaving it in the boot of my girlfriend's car and not carrying it with me.
I was taking about backroad tests not gernal plans
Surely if you are doing a basal test it would be going low that would be of concern as you would have to treat if you were at hypo level.
Have you read the instructions for conducting basal testing, I'm sure it is somewhere on the site.
I was going to do an overnight one last night but my blood suger before bad was 14.9(acoring to my meter anyway I get bit nervous about it at higher numbers) still haven’t swapped yet) I couldn’t jusifry leaving it at night so I did do a correction. Going to try and do evening one maybe not even full on one tonight to try and confirm. The jump unless it’s really high before starting that.
I wouldn't cancel any plans, blood glucose can always be treated one way or the other.
Then continue with your backroad exploration
But I though you weren’t supposed to do a backroad test with 4 hours of having insulin or 24 hours(or is 12) after having a hypo) that’s what process the question because before bed I was 14.9 and thought I’m not living it on that
If you’re talking about basal testing then it depends how high you feel you can go without needing a correction dose of insulin. As soon as you decide you need to correct that’s when you stop the test, because then you have got fast acting insulin in you as well and don’t know what the basal is doing any more.
You are correct, you need to try to wait until all your bolus insulin is gone before you start the test and then hang on as long as possible before eating/injecting so that you can see what effect the basal insulin alone has on your blood sugars. Ideally you should end the test at about the same BG level that you started at. If not you probably need an adjustment to your basal dose.
If you’re talking about basal testing then it depends how high you feel you can go without needing a correction dose of insulin. As soon as you decide you need to correct that’s when you stop the test, because then you have got fast acting insulin in you as well and don’t know what the basal is doing any more.
You are correct, you need to try to wait until all your bolus insulin is gone before you start the test and then hang on as long as possible before eating/injecting so that you can see what effect the basal insulin alone has on your blood sugars. Ideally you should end the test at about the same BG level that you started at. If not you probably need an adjustment to your basal dose.
Yeah I was talking about the number at the start of test I just couldn’t justify leaving at 14.9 last night when I was about to start it.
Yeah I was talking about the number at the start of test I just couldn’t justify leaving at 14.9 last night when I was about to start it.
I wouldn’t start a basal test if I was 14.9. At that height I'd be itching to do a correction, and also, I think the higher your levels are, the more a bit of insulin resistance creeps in, so you may not get an accurate result of how steady your basal holds you anyway.
I wouldn’t start a basal test if I was 14.9. At that height I'd be itching to do a correction, and also, I think the higher your levels are, the more a bit of insulin resistance creeps in, so you may not get an accurate result of how steady your basal holds you anyway.
That’s what I didn’t however would be okay with maybe being between 10 and 12 before hand?
I’m going to try a do a bit of a experiment in the evening tonight to come confirm the jump as I don’t think it’s done to food as I corrected with my tea and it was lower 2 hours after. Interesting enough i at work the jump doesn’t also seem to happ n in the evening.
That’s what I didn’t however would be okay with maybe being between 10 and 12 before hand?
Yes, that’s about the level that I'd think, OK, not ideal, but I don’t actually need to correct. If it started to drift downwards, I’d think OK, my basal is probably a bit high, and the test would be valid. However, if after an hour of observing I found I was drifting higher, then I’d abandon it at that point, and do a correction. I'd then do another test another day when my levels were at a better starting point.
I was more talking about numbers above 10 as I already dealt comteforablte starting them between 8 and 10 epasilly as I don’t correct at these numbers I correct for above 10
Physical work and exercise act on your glucose level like an insulin correction jab.
This is why you have hypos while working.
I haven’t had an hypo while working I have eaten to keep going at times but not the same thing. I was high on shift the other evening(I took half a unit off my food the Demi eat in the way up(obervously wasn’t needed for that particular shift) and stayed there until the end of the shift but jump didn’t happen and that point though I did correct.
We all eat to cover extra exercise, to try to avoid hypos. The more exercise we do the trickier that becomes.
Exaxctty why my work can tricky to handle sometimes because I can’t predict the level of expires involved.
But I’m not going to just quit my job or not what to do parts of it. I can’t let this condition stop me living my life.
Why tested i on shift on Tuesday at i was 14 I thought we’ll at least it will keep me going until after wards but so didn’t test until afterwards but was still there(13.8) so maybe I should have checked a bit sooner)
If you’re talking about basal testing then it depends how high you feel you can go without needing a correction dose of insulin. As soon as you decide you need to correct that’s when you stop the test, because then you have got fast acting insulin in you as well and don’t know what the basal is doing any more.
You are correct, you need to try to wait until all your bolus insulin is gone before you start the test and then hang on as long as possible before eating/injecting so that you can see what effect the basal insulin alone has on your blood sugars. Ideally you should end the test at about the same BG level that you started at. If not you probably need an adjustment to your basal dose.
But don’t make changes at one backroad test right? I’m doing an evening one right now its taken some will power as I’m really hungry and people are making pancakes.
I’m a bit confused at the results of backroad test yesterday evening because I was almost sure the jump I sometimes got in the evening was due to livermir wearing off before the taking the even one because it also sometimes happened if it was lower then what it is at te- time and I corrected it but I didn’t happen last night(I was a tad llatercwith my morning I one) perhaps yesterday was a day it just didn’t happen) making me wonder what to do for work tomorrow if radios need changing even temporary)
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