What makes you high?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Lots of threads seam to mention that different things affect people in a different way, so what strange thing makes you high.

For me it's tic-tacs, just to of them gives me a BG jump of 1 !
For me, it's baked beans, which always catch me out by pushing me higher than their carb content is supposed to!
Bread, in any way shape or form. Doesn;t matter if it's white, wholemeal, levened or un-levened. Get's me every time. I've tried all different sorts, but the effect is the same.

Shame as I find it's such an easy snack.
bread also gets me too

at nite if i am down at 4.0 before bed and i have one slice of toast and butter then it can go upto 7.0 which is a whole 3 units lol
Alan......I have the same problem with bread, although I have found a bread that does not push up my numbers now, look out for it and try it....Burgen Linseed & Soya bread...it tastes good to..lol
for me the worst thing is the chips from the chip shop next to my school 😡
I had some the other day and had to do about 20 units (5times what I usually do for lunch!!)
absolutely everything at the moment lol! I'm waiting for the appointment with the nurse / dietician. I've very little idea what to eat and not.

I'm going to avoid spuds, beans, crisps, rice, pasta and sugary drinks.

Looks like I'll be living on special K from now!
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