What makes you glad...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

1. A Great low carb food/meal. I really appreciate taste, texture, temperature now. Before, I just ate, and ate, and ate.
2. BG 5.2 or (above 4 and below 7)
3. Weight dropping or increasing slightly around my goal weight or staying the same at my goal weight.
4. Feeling well and full of energy. Not tired. No headaches. Arms and legs and eyes working ok. Stomach ok.
5. Walking on the beach and saying hello to the occasional dog
6. A simple smile from my wife or a surprise hug
7. Creating a new recipe (to me) and it actually working and some liking the result whatever it looks like
8. Achieving one of my many short term goals. Keeping to one of my longer term goals. Finding a new goal to run after.
9. A GP or DSN who actually listens and seems to care. Diagnoses properly and prescribes promptly and appropriately.
10. Some of the great, witty, fun, useful, helpful, insightful comments on this forum and the caring shown
11. Pondering over the fact that, for me, T2 is in remission, and can be for some others
12. Helping someone, anyone, everyone (a bit broad that).
14. A nice hot cup of tea
15. Music and playing music along with that hot cup of tea

A couple of pictures. The 'before' me then once I sorted out a way of managing things and found help, the 'After' me

Me Before 2.jpg
'Me Before'

Me After 2.jpg
'Me After'

Can you add any other things that make YOU glad?
Those photos did it for me, feeling distinctly bilious after reading Northie's Autopsy post !
I’m glad today as it has stopped raining after a week of the damn stuff.
I’ve got washing on the line and it’s blowing nicely.
My family are all happy and healthy.
My three daughters are all married and settled, no more saving for weddings. Three weddings in four years certainly put a dent in our savings!
I’ve managed to get out of the house today and walked 2.5 miles, it was only to Aldi but it’s more than I’ve done for the last week.
I’ve finished all my chores for the day and I’m going to settle down with Robert Gilbrath. AKA JK Rowling.
I’ve got Libre 2 on prescription.

I’m a simple soul. 🙂
It’s sunny, I’ve got the washing out, I've done some gardening, I held back a flapjack when I gave most of the leftover ones at the weekend to my son to take home, so I've just enjoyed that to stave off a gardening hypo. (Or maybe not, I've looked at my tangled grammar and realised I’m well into hypo land).
'Hipsters'. An odd choice you may think but bear with me here. I am newly diagnosed T1. Whilst my diet was ok before, I have now improved it. The 'fashion' for all sorts of breads and foods which are healthier, low carb, low GI etc etc, whilst may be a fad diet for some are really great for me and others as a life style.

Thank you hipsters for giving me variety and choice compared to what was available only a few short years ago.
I have ahubby who loves me and two lovely, kind, caring daughters
A chat with good friends
A great book
Support from you all on the good days and the bad
I was really glad that the central heating works!!!

Can we skip winter. Autumn/winter Not my favourite seasons
I was really glad that the central heating works!!!

Can we skip winter. Autumn/winter Not my favourite seasons
I don’t mind a nice, sunny crisp autumn or winter day, but could we vote to abolish all the gloomy, dark, overcast days we sometimes get for weeks on end in November and February?
...the support I get on here; swimming in a quiet pool; walking amongst trees especially in Autumn; good times with friends & family and chocolate (how did that one slip in?! o_O )
My Family
My Friends
The NHS (although not a perfect health service we are so lucky to have them and they have done a good job so far in looking after my OH on his T2 journey
Sitting on the sofa in my PJ's with a nice cup of tea (bliss)
My comfy bed
My job for giving me the security to know I can heat my home, have stocked cupboards and don't have to worry about paying the bills

Sometimes it is nice just to reflect that although life is hard, there can be a lot to be still grateful for.
3 Blokes in Canada 100 years ago and their dogs ! - without whose legacy I wouldn't even be here now.

Friends, family, sunshine, a combi boiler, having no partic money worries, authors, TV, the internet, having conversations with all sorts of different people we're acquainted with ...
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