Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 1
I was recently looking at my medical notes on line and saw the comment "Sever frailty"! My initial reaction was "What the 'eff'?". Thinking about it I did wonder how the person defined it? Was it because I am a Type 1 diabetic who has had an amputation and have other health issues? It cannot be physical strength as in the physiotherapy gym I have lifted 37kg (didn't go heavier as already over limit for wheelchair) have done 100 reps with 23kg, hold the one legged exercise bike record in a rehab centre, etc., Irritatingly I have had to take three cognitive tests as they seem to like testing older people - passed with flying colours. In fact it means nothing if for instance if a retired person or hospital patient gets the day of the week wrong as every day may be the same! So what do they mean by "Severe frailty"? In fact it feels like a NHS insult!