What is Pancreatitis and how is it tested?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,

Last week I posted that I went to the GP as kept getting hypo's when I shouldn't really as T2 not on meds.

I was worried about going and being told off for wasting time, but the GP was very understanding and said she would speak to a consultant.

Today I got a call from her to say they now wanted to test me for pancreatitis? I had a very big operation on my liver, bile ducts and pancreas 4 years ago and they are now concerned that this could be the cause of both hypo's and a crippling pain I get from time to time in my stomach - generally around the sternum. The pain is a bit like a perforated gall bladder pain, and just when I am about to admit myself to A&E, it goes!

Does anyone know anymore about this and will just one blood test diagnose it. She did talk about scans and referring me back to my surgeon, and I am starting to worry things may be wrong again.

thanks for any advice.

I hope to everyone this shows that even though we think we are time wasters sometimes a trip to GP is best.
I'm sure someone on here is a pancreatic diabetic - i.e had their pancreas removed after pancreatitis. Possibly Twinnie? Sorry if that's totally wrong!
Also dont quote me on this but i think Adreinne's daughter had her pancreas removed at birth.. she may be able to help you out Lucy.Also sorry if that is totally wrong x
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas - it can be chronic or acute. Acute pancreatitis is a medical emergency and generally needs care in a high dependency or intensive care ward.

People can live with chronic pancreatitis for years - or so I believe. I have heard of people having chronic pancreatitis without needing hospital treatment - but it it apparently very common for people who get pancreatitis to develop diabetes.

My FIL had acute pancreatitis twice, he had severe pain which travelled to his shoulder, his pancreas was so inflamed it was splinting his diaphragm and he spent nearly 2 months in ICU. They tested his amylase levels in order to diagnose him, once he was stable they removed some abscesses from his pancreas. In his case gall stones were the cause as they were blocking the path by which the pancreatic digestive secretions should flow causing the pancreas to be in effect trying to digest itself - at least that is what I was told. He was in so much pain there is no way he could have been refused admission - he needed sedating with morphine and an epidural to control the pain.

Try not to worry (easier said than done). Medicine is moving on all the time and if they know what is happening they can do something about it.

Hope that you get sorted and that I haven't scared you.
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Also dont quote me on this but i think Adreinne's daughter had her pancreas removed at birth.. she may be able to help you out Lucy.Also sorry if that is totally wrong x

I think pancreatitis is something quite different to what Adrienne's daughter had Steffie - she was producing too much insulin and they had to remove the pancreas to stop it.

I'm afraid I'm not sure what causes pancreatitis. When I was diagnosed the doctor asked me if I'd ever had it and I said 'how would I know?' He said 'You'd know!' so I can only assume that it's very painful - possibly like the pains you describe Lucy.

Hopefully someone with more information will spot this and give you more information.

edit: I see someone just has!
I think pancreatitis is something quite different to what Adrienne's daughter had Steffie - she was producing too much insulin and they had to remove the pancreas to stop it.

I'm afraid I'm not sure what causes pancreatitis. When I was diagnosed the doctor asked me if I'd ever had it and I said 'how would I know?' He said 'You'd know!' so I can only assume that it's very painful - possibly like the pains you describe Lucy.

Hopefully someone with more information will spot this and give you more information.

edit: I see someone just has!

Thanks Alan..
Thanks all. Margie that is a very good explanation - so thank you. I had to have my gall bladder removed 4 years ago too, prior to my other op, as it had completely perforated. The pain was unbearable, but I only had it 24 hours before finally being admitted. The doctors kept telling me I must have had the pain for months, but I honestly hadn't. However all my problems started from the moment the gall bladder was removed. I now get the unbearable pain thing about once every 3 months - it really is a crippling pain. Margie did your FIL get pain around the sternum. I literally roll around the floor and have to get on my hands and knees and puff away as if giving birth. On each occasion, it does settle, but generally by this time I am almost getting myself admitted to A&E. Never quite got there though, but there are times i wish i had!
I suppose it will be one way of getting all sorted if the blood test reveals anything.

Has anyone heard of pancreatitis being related to hypo's? This was the initial reason for the appointment.
Can't help much, just to say I hope you feel better soon.

If you're in a lot of pain and not sure about going to A&E, phone NHS direct and see what they advise. They may suggest you go to A&E if it's out side doctors hours, even if the pain is gone by the time you get there.
Thanks all. Margie that is a very good explanation - so thank you. I had to have my gall bladder removed 4 years ago too, prior to my other op, as it had completely perforated. The pain was unbearable, but I only had it 24 hours before finally being admitted. The doctors kept telling me I must have had the pain for months, but I honestly hadn't. However all my problems started from the moment the gall bladder was removed. I now get the unbearable pain thing about once every 3 months - it really is a crippling pain. Margie did your FIL get pain around the sternum. I literally roll around the floor and have to get on my hands and knees and puff away as if giving birth. On each occasion, it does settle, but generally by this time I am almost getting myself admitted to A&E. Never quite got there though, but there are times i wish i had!
I suppose it will be one way of getting all sorted if the blood test reveals anything.

Has anyone heard of pancreatitis being related to hypo's? This was the initial reason for the appointment.

I can't say if he had pain behind the sternum or not. I was engaged at the time and OH called to say his Dad was rolling around in agony. The hospital at first thought that it was the gall-stones till they did the blood tests. He was sedated and on oxygen before I saw him. He was in ICU for 7 weeks and a general ward for a month. It is sometimes hard to get a proper description of what is wrong with him as he has quite a limited English vocabulary - he learnt on a building site and the local paper, and sometimes this causes issues - I have to pseudo translate or ask other questions to try and establish what is going on.

I think acute pancreatitis like he had is fairly rare.

I guess that anything that causes stress to the pancreas could cause it to not work correctly. Have you tried doing a google search for pancreatitis and hypos ?

I would agree with Caroline in that if you do end up with that amount of pain again get someone to get you medical help, if you are having symptoms at the time of the tests I suspect they will cause a more significant change in the bloods making diagnosis easier. (I don't know that - that is just a guess)
Hi Caroline.
Thanks for your post. I don't have any pain at all at the moment -thankfully. Haven't had for over 2 months. I have been having hypo's and my GP spoke to a consultant - who between them have come up with this possibility - because of past history with the pain, post op as well.

Personally I would be surprised as I can't seem to find anything that says pancreatitis is related to hypo's (the original reason for my visit to GP)

I personally wouldn't use NHS direct again as when my Gall bladder perforated they kept sending me home with Gaviscon - only went I completely collapsed at A&E was I sorted.

Hopefully things with me will be sorted soon - thanks again.

Thanks Margie for the update too.
The main thing is you are getting things investigated. I hope things are sorted soon.
Thanks Caroline.
Jeffrey Bernard who was made (even more) famous in the play "Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell" developed diabetes after a severe bout of pancreatitis. The cause of this being his extremely heavy drinking! In one of his columns he described it as a terible pain I think - it was quite a few years ago. There is a brief description of his life in WikiPedia:-

Hi All,

Last week I posted that I went to the GP as kept getting hypo's when I shouldn't really as T2 not on meds.

I was worried about going and being told off for wasting time, but the GP was very understanding and said she would speak to a consultant.

Today I got a call from her to say they now wanted to test me for pancreatitis? I had a very big operation on my liver, bile ducts and pancreas 4 years ago and they are now concerned that this could be the cause of both hypo's and a crippling pain I get from time to time in my stomach - generally around the sternum. The pain is a bit like a perforated gall bladder pain, and just when I am about to admit myself to A&E, it goes!

Does anyone know anymore about this and will just one blood test diagnose it. She did talk about scans and referring me back to my surgeon, and I am starting to worry things may be wrong again.

thanks for any advice.

I hope to everyone this shows that even though we think we are time wasters sometimes a trip to GP is best.

hi sorry just seen this post 11 years ago i have acute pancreatitis due to gallstones if memory serves me right there tested by getting blood from my artery and then scans i also had crysts on the pancreas so had to wait six months before having my operation over half my pancreas is gone was misdiagonised as a type 2 but early this year was diagnoised as a pancreatic diabetic and am on insulin i also take creon for pancetic enezimes feel free to pm me
Jeffrey Bernard who was made (even more) famous in the play "Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell" developed diabetes after a severe bout of pancreatitis. The cause of this being his extremely heavy drinking! In one of his columns he described it as a terible pain I think - it was quite a few years ago. There is a brief description of his life in WikiPedia:-


me too that how i joined the big d club
Hi All,

thanks for the posts.
Twinnie thank you - have just pm'd you.
My late mother became insulin dependant diabetic after getting pancreatitis, she ended up in hospital for a week. She was admitted with severe stomach pains to the point where she was vomiting, so i think you'd know if you had it.
I am not sure you would know Carina. I too have the vomiting and violent excrutiating pain when it happens, but no one has diagnosed me with it yet in the 3.5 years I have been suffering. I don't think you ever know until you are actually diagnosed.

Thanks for the post though. Hope you are well.
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