What is libra view?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It’s software which runs on an iPad or pc?
it loads data stored on an iPhone by Libre2 flash sensor in CSV format?
the data is glucose level in mmols+time
includes insulin data+time
no exercise or food data is loaded
Libreview data can be voluntarily uploaded elsewhere or not
it’s free?
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It's a web site, https://www.libreview.com/ provided free, with some kind of underlying data storage (likely cloud based). You can upload data to it by creating an account and linking that in the relevant iPhone or Android app, and/or by using the reader and connecting that to a computer with the appropriate drivers.

You can view the web site on whatever devices you want (that can have a web browser), and (if your diabetes team supports this) you can allow them to access the data. The web site also allows downloading data in csv format.
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