What is going on !!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Dont know if you haveread about mishap with cannula the other day at my sisters wedding 😱well now since then i though bd had started to sort their selves out with a couple of hypos along the way , but now bs are in 20s notgoo epecially as i average around the 4/5 mark on pump , i think i really need to majorly up basal levels and usually this is what i do when bs start creeping up to 9/10 mark but havent had the chance as they have just jumped so rapidly but then on the other hand i am pretty stressed and if i go and raise basal rates and then i nose dive into hypos thats not good either with hypo unawareness , decisions decisions any advice please ?
I cant give any advise - but I hope you get sorted soon, must be so frustrating for you xxx
Oh dear sounds like you having a right chew on!
You have already probably ruled out any site problems and all the practical stuff. If you are up in the 20's have you considered carb ratios as well, could they need some tweeking ? Perhaps a temp basal and regular testing to avoid those nasty hypos til you get some control back ?? Good luck 🙂
Changed cannula 3x in 2 days so not that 😱
I'd go steady with the increase if you suffer from hypo unawareness, perhaps (and I hope not) you are coming down with a cold or something? Have you changed any other medication. I know it sounds bizarre but a recent asthma inhaler change caused my sugar to rise dramatically.
Jenny may seem a daft question, but have you checked to see if your pump is delivering insulin ok? My basals shot up a lot as did correction needs. It got to the stage I was afraid to eat so measured a set amount (5u) into a small measuring spoon it delivered less than 3 units 😱
Now have a brand new pump and fratically cutting all basals.
Dunno if it might help, I had a breakdown and the strategy there was, if you think the high is stress and not user/hardware etc error LOL, have HALF the correction dose you would normally take. And only correct down to 7 anyway at other times. Otherwise you could be doing the HI/LO tango! - just like me before my DSN said 'try this'. It worked.
Jenny may seem a daft question, but have you checked to see if your pump is delivering insulin ok? My basals shot up a lot as did correction needs. It got to the stage I was afraid to eat so measured a set amount (5u) into a small measuring spoon it delivered less than 3 units 😱
Now have a brand new pump and fratically cutting all basals.

thanks sue yes i have all seems ok 🙂
Thanks for advice everyone that replied , where are all the pumpers ? should i have put this in pumping section ?
There you go Jenny 🙂
Stress does straaange things to my bg. I know you had quite a bit to think about the other day. I would take it easy for a few days and stick to normal rutine as best you can. Am normaly very active and couldnt beleve bg when not doing much and stressed - low ?. Hope you find an answer to it! :confused:
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