What is a basal test?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
In one of the other forums a ‘basal test’ was mentioned? Could someone explain how to do this? I guess it will help to know if you are taking the right amount of basal insulin. I take Tresiba at night and have started to reduce it a little as I drop below 5 a lot and then sometimes rapidly plunge into hypo territory below 4. I would really like to check if my basal is right.

If I inject around midnight it can often keep me at around 6 or 7 till a late breakfast at 11.00 am.
In one of the other forums a ‘basal test’ was mentioned? Could someone explain how to do this? I guess it will help to know if you are taking the right amount of basal insulin. I take Tresiba at night and have started to reduce it a little as I drop below 5 a lot and then sometimes rapidly plunge into hypo territory below 4. I would really like to check if my basal is right.

If I inject around midnight it can often keep me at around 6 or 7 till a late breakfast at 11.00 am.
Hello, when you say you drop below 4. (I see you use a Libre.) how long does this drop last on your Libre chart? Do you have a screenshot & does it trigger alarms? Rising quickly after.
Hope you find it helpful @CathyFP

When I finally discovered that there was a way of systematically checking my basal on MDI it was a revelation. And tweaking my basal (from a stable-ish starting point) became my go-to fix whenever my levels began to play up.

My MDI basal was always a bit of a ‘Hobson’s Choice’ but, having checked it systematically, at least I knew I had the ‘best fit’, and where it was over- or under-reaching.

Then the main job was just re-checking every few months (and sometimes more often than that!) as my diabetes changed its mind, and the seasons rolled around.