What insulin pump to get?

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Ray of Hope

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
After 15 years of injecting I'm now considering getting an insulin pump. My control has always been poor and I'm beginning to get complications with the diabetes particularly with my eyes. As it is I've only sight in my right eye.

I live in Ireland and if I go with the health board my choices of meters are limited and there is a waiting list. I don't mind the wait but I really don't want to be limited to what meter I have to get. I believe our health board are strict enough because of all te cutbacks, which in fairness I accept.

Leaving aside the cost what in your opinions are the better pumps out there? how much do they cost to buy and how much to run?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Ray,
first of all pumps are prescription only, so you can not just go out and buy one. Same aplies to the consumables.

UK prices might be different then UK prices as well.
Pump costs up to ?2,800. Consumables at least ?120 per month.
Pump needs replacing every 4 years as well.
Hope that helps.
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