What if i dont pick up on it !

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was just sat thinking if my body did not get the bad head the sweats and the jabbering talk when i was hypering , how would i actually know my bloods where dangerously high?If i was to miss it and end up hospitilised would that mean that was a common occurance or uncommon, people not realising there either hi or lo?like is there something in our body that automatically tells us or can it sometimes miss it and it just comes without warning.

any help guys its got me puzzled

That you would end up hospitalised with HONK would be uncommon, and it would develop over several days, and you would feel increasingly unwell. It mainly happens to people who haven't been diagnosed, or have some other serious illness. So I think you would pick up on it because you would be testing your blood sugar.

Not sure if that has answered your question or not
According to my doctor, it's something we're supposed to learn with time. Though how that's meant to work if I start feeling bad and can't test to see what's going on, I can't imagine.
According to my doctor, it's something we're supposed to learn with time. Though how that's meant to work if I start feeling bad and can't test to see what's going on, I can't imagine.

yeah thats the one thing , if you cant actually test and theres no obv signs then what .
If you are feeling unwell then there are signs. It's not likely that you are going to be very high and needing hospital treatment whilst feeling fine.
so im asleep i hyper will i know about it ?
so im asleep i hyper will i know about it ?

Hi Steff, if you went high in your sleep, you would possibly be woken feeling very hot and swaeting, but possibly not. Hypers are very different from hypos. In a hypo, your brain is being starved of glucose, and this is the only fuel it can use, so it reacts quite dramatically and this is why hypo symptoms can be quite obvious. If things drop too low, there is also the possiblility of fitting, unconsciousness or even coma.

However, if your blood sugar is perfectly adequate for your brain to function happily, then it won't respond in the same way - if your blood sugar is high it has plenty of fuel and diesn't realise there is anything wrong. Instead, other parts of your body may react - your kidneys may start trying to remove the excess glucose from your bloddstream and you will want to pee more. Because of this removal of fluid from the body you will feel very thirsty. As a Type 2 not on insulin, it's most likely that you will still have sufficient insulin being produced to prevent ketones forming in any great quantities, and again, these will be flushed out by your kidneys.

So, you will feel some of these symptoms, but they are not as easy to recognise as a hypo, and will not lead to DKA as in a Type 1. If your blood sugar is reasonably well-controlled i.e. you have a good HbA1c and are eating/excercising normally, it's unlikely that you will develop a dangerously high BG level. As was said earlier, that's more likely in undiagnosed people who will feel ill over a number of days (HONK).

Hope that helps!🙂
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