what i read online

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It is disgusting that this could happen!!
this story has been bumping around various diabetes forums/email lists...it's shocking, especially in 2010, when science has made huge leaps and bounds in the treatment of type one. it's not exactly an unheard of condition is it?
Sometimes it is hard work to get the medical profession to listen. A couple of times when I thought my big boy needed urgent medical treatment and I've been told he's OK I've got a cab and gone to A&E. I will do the same for little feller if ever he is that unlucky!

As parents we all know when our children are really ill and when they are just pulling a fast one to get out of PE or a lesson they don't like at school. The mum did all the right things in asking for help for her son. Both were very badly let down by people not listening!
its true its dugusting its 2010 and this is still happening i would thought in my nearly 12 years being diabetic things would impoved by now as its not something that unknown they are fast enough to do adverts about it and putting it on tv and getting it all mixed up with type 2... its such a sad story even more so when its close to peoples hearts when i was rushed in i weighted 4 stone and the hospital said i would been dead on xmas day if wasnt for my mum rushing me in as all the doctors she was taking me to said it was my age and i had swollen glands
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