What fat pigs (and other animals) can teach us about our own waistlines

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Around the world, doctors are wringing their hands over an obesity epidemic. But this isn?t the human outbreak you?re thinking of, nor are these the physicians you would envisage. Vets are seeing more and more overweight animals; the scale of the problem is now comparable to the human battle against the bulge.
They treat increasingly portly ponies. They instruct owners not to overfeed chubby fish. They describe tortoises so fat they can no longer pop in and out of their shells. They?ve seen so many overweight birds they have a new nickname for them: perch potatoes.
Dogs are put on diet drugs to curb their appetites. Liposuction has been the treatment of choice for obese canines whose extra flab threatens to snap their spines or splay their hips. Felines are put on the ?Catkins? diet ? a veterinary version of the high-protein, ultra-low-carb Atkins Diet for humans.

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