What does remission look like?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Morning all, a bit of a discussion piece, as a T2 making changes aiming for that magical sub 42 hba1c, what does remission / reversal look like?

I know that hitting that number may not be possible and I know some say remission isn’t a thing, I hope my body will play along and help me get there along with the work I’ve been putting in myself. I’m currently on the “Gateshead Diet” as in it’s nearly Newcastle, 2x shakes a day and a healthy meal in the evening, averaging daily intake of 800-900cal / 50g carbs. I’m enjoying it and seeing results with impressive weight loss achieved.

So what’s the holy land like? Have you returned to eating normal, a more conscious normal or carried on your diabetes diet? How do you handle weekends away or holidays or even just special occasions?

Hopefully I get out of this, and if I do I have no intention of blowing the work I’ve put in and returning to damaging myself. In short, do we ever get to eat pizza again??
Hi @MJT82 I can't say what remission is like, as I don't think I'm there yet, but I'm trying. The link defines it as "Remission is when your HbA1c — a measure of long-term blood glucose levels — remains below 48mmol/mol or 6.5% for at least six months", but that's just a definition, and not how it works in real life. I know there's people on the forum who've got there.

For pizza, you could try making this bread recipe for the base Diedre's bread recipe on youtube but reduce the quantity, unless you want to eat a dustbin lid sized pizza, and add some chopped tomatoes/passata with crushed garlic, salt and pepper and oregano as the sauce, and a handful of grated mozzarella and some toppings. Or there's other recipes on youtube for grated cauliflower bases, or "fathead" ones. I've not tried any of them yet, as I'm still on 800cals/day.
I have made pizza-ish baked aubergine slices - cut up a big aubergine longways, dry fry each side so that the aubergine starts to brown slightly, put the slices on a baking tray, put some pizza sauce on each slice, some mozzarella, and put in the oven at gas mark 4 until the cheese bubbles and goes brown a bit.
I don't know if I can ever go back to eating normal pizza as I have no self control with it. Your mileage may vary 🙂.
Good luck with your search for the Holy land!
PS love your Gateshead name for the Newcastle style diet.
Morning all, a bit of a discussion piece, as a T2 making changes aiming for that magical sub 42 hba1c, what does remission / reversal look like?

I know that hitting that number may not be possible and I know some say remission isn’t a thing, I hope my body will play along and help me get there along with the work I’ve been putting in myself. I’m currently on the “Gateshead Diet” as in it’s nearly Newcastle, 2x shakes a day and a healthy meal in the evening, averaging daily intake of 800-900cal / 50g carbs. I’m enjoying it and seeing results with impressive weight loss achieved.

So what’s the holy land like? Have you returned to eating normal, a more conscious normal or carried on your diabetes diet? How do you handle weekends away or holidays or even just special occasions?

Hopefully I get out of this, and if I do I have no intention of blowing the work I’ve put in and returning to damaging myself. In short, do we ever get to eat pizza again??

I do.
I eat less than when I was diagnosed, but then that's what gave me diabetes in the first place.
I was morbidly obese, I lost 5 stone on a mixture of low fat and the Newcastle diet.
I now eat a fairly Mediterranean diet, and just watch the weight doesn't creep back on.
Just normal healthy food, not the family pack of donuts in one go

However, I decided to relax over Christmas, so now I'm trimming up a bit and doing a shake and no alcohol diet for my New Year resolution.
I got to remission via weight loss about 3 years ago now. Nowadays my eating is guided by maintaining weight loss and keeping things CV-healthy. So watching calories, saturated fats, sodium. Don't really care about carbs one way or the other.
My diet for staying in remission is the one I tried to get my GPs and other HCPs to accept was the right one for me for decades before diagnosis with type 2. I eat a diet very much like Atkins, but I really like it and do not hanker after the foods which made me ill in the first place.
I started cutting out carbs when I left home to go to Polytechnic as after the first few weeks on a 'normal' diet I felt shattered all the time. That was 1970. I got bad advice on what to eat until 2016 when I was diagnosed with type 2. I went back to 50 gm of carbs a day and was no longer diabetic in 80 days.
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