What do you call?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
You know when your about to test your blood glucose levels and someone asks what your doing what do you say?

I say i'm just testing my sugars.

Also if your having a hypo, what do you call it?

i call it a funny turn.

just a wondering, if anyone has special names for these things?
Feeling "jiggly" is the one I use.
I say im testing my bloods lol. dont have hypos but i do hyper abit and if i am i call it the wobbles.
I tend to use technical terms "I'm checking my blood glucose levels" or "I'm feeling hypoglycaemic", as they explain exactly what I'm doing / experiencing and reflects the seriousness of the situation, leaving no room for any thought that I'm making a fuss about nothing. Having said that, it's very rare for anyone to notice what I'm doing, as I tend to hide meter under a table or on my lap or turn my back if testing or just get a few sweets from a pocket to my mouth.
The kids understand whats going on if I say I'm feeling wobbly or low and need some glucose tablets. They know I need to test my blood sugar so I tend to use those terms everywhere as it's kinda habit now. I tend so say low rather than wobbly at work as it makes more sense.

Work are pretty good as far as I'm concerned, but then there are a few diabetics here and each one of us is on a different regime so they know what its like and that each of us has our own issues to deal with.
Nobody has asked me yet what im doing, my testing times are at meal times so not ususally in view of the public......when it comes to hypos, again they dont happen in public as there usually before a meal if I have been a bit more active before hand..............

usual names for hypoglaecemia - hypo, low
Yeah I just say im checking my BM as I feel hypo 😱 people are like eh? but I also think that once I have explained it lets people know how serious it can get, and alsoi think its a little irresponsible to not explain properly because it may come on unexpectedly and would leave someone with you in a completely scary situation :(
I'm a bit like Copepod, I tend to say what I'm doing technically, if I'm with someone I don't know. 'I'm testing my blood sugar', 'I feel hypo', etc. I don't see any sense in ever hiding what I'm doing, because that makes it seem like I have something to hide 🙂
I think like Sacred Heart and Lou, I was trying to say that using technical terms is an opportunity to educate general public for the greater good of all with diabetes. But, people so rarely notice what I'm doing, as I prefer my privacy, that I'm doing doing very well in this aim! :D
I've been asked a couple of times, I told the person I was checking my blood sugar levels and that was the end of it.
Alot of the time I try to use technical terms but being a diabetic of long standing I just use what I've always used. I'm going low, doing my blood and things along those lines.

I either say: I feel low or I feel Hypo

and: I'm checking my sugar levels
I say, I'm just checking my blood sugar, or I am feeling low. people don't often ask though, usually if they do it's something like "oh I didn't know you were diabetic" I have found most people know what testing looks like
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