What do i do? argghhh

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have my flu jab in 45 minutes but i hypered about 45 minutes ago and at the point of testing 25 minutes ago my BS is still 12.5.Im not sure if i should cancel or just go?
I would still go, but check just before you go in. If you've gone higher agian then mention it. I was told the jab might make my levels rise a bit, but in the event they didn't. Can you remember what happened last time?
I would still go, but check just before you go in. If you've gone higher agian then mention it. I was told the jab might make my levels rise a bit, but in the event they didn't. Can you remember what happened last time?

Last time i had the flu jab i was sick bit it was sometime after ,but i was in normal range BS wise..What if i mention it before she sticks it in me?
Personally I would have the flu jab whatever my blood sugar I have done this with lots of different flu jabs over the years and it doesn't appear to be affected by my blood sugar whatever it's level
put your mind at rest hun and tell then b4 u have it done
take care
Thanks for the replies, im fine i had the jad swine flu included and my BS has settled at 7.3
Just keep a eye on your bg over the next day or two Steffie as it can effect bg control, the flu jab doesn't effect me personally and all I ever get is a big lump in the arm where the injection went in. Toby.
Just keep a eye on your bg over the next day or two Steffie as it can effect bg control, the flu jab doesn't effect me personally and all I ever get is a big lump in the arm where the injection went in. Toby.

Thanks Toby I will do..At the moment theres a dull ache.
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