What can you do about a really sweet tooth?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone have any solutions that have actually worked in controling a very sweet tooth? My sweet tooth is really my downfall as I generally eat quite healthily but can put away far too much chocolate per day. I'm thinking about trying Appesat which is supposed to work on your appetite and also make you feel full, but it is very expensive at present (?30).
I find fruit helps. I add it to things like porridge for breakfast. I am not big in artificial sweetners when I know they are in things and have to be carefull with things containing sorbitol and xylotol as they tend to quite laxative when eaten in quantity.

Good quality chocolate, especially quality chocolate is nice and I find I need less of that. Chocolate coated nuts if you can eat nuts are nice.

I'm sure someone else will have some other ideas too, so good luck.
I agree with Caroline, good quality chocolate is a good way to go. I find I don't want to scoff it all down, since it was expensive I want to savour it more. I have recently bought some chocs from Hotel Chocolat in the sales, they are really nice.

Also dark chocolate - because it is bitter you don't want so much.

Fruit is good. My sister makes this thing where she puts apples with other dried fruit and seeds in a bowl, sweetens with honey and cooks it in the oven and that is nice. I also have tinned fruit with natural or Greek yoghurt for a dessert, or sugar free jelly.

I also find it helps looking at the cost. I used to buy chocolate at lunch and while it was only ?1 a day which may not seem much, it does add up - ?5 per week, ?260 per year. That is how I stopped myself having that temptation.
Lizzie the thing your sister makes with the fruit and honey sounds nice,is there a recipe?
I am not sure where she got the idea from, I will ask her tonight.
the best thing i've found is to gradually wean myself off sugar. its one of the hardests things ever but i tried really hard and now can drink tea without sweetners. (still can't in coffee though) i used to have a massive sweet tooth, would eat sweet stuff all day (resulting in DKA at one point) but bananas a re a good substiute and muller lite yoghurts are good. also trying not to think about chocolate too much (i know so hard!) i distracted myself and kept saying i'll have some in an hour and then didnt. or say that you can have some choc every other day, then every 3rd day, then every weekend etc. it makes you enjoy the choc more as well. hope this helps, it is really hard, i dont think people realise how much we sacrifice ha ha!!
If you stop eating sweets and chocolate you should find you will lose your "sweet tooth" - you won't want to eat them because you won't enjoy them!

So I'd recommend cutting them out apart from a very occasional small portion. It may be difficult at first but the benefits are well worth it. It helped me lose a lot of weight and feel much better. Go for it!
If you stop eating sweets and chocolate you should find you will lose your "sweet tooth" - you won't want to eat them because you won't enjoy them!

So I'd recommend cutting them out apart from a very occasional small portion. It may be difficult at first but the benefits are well worth it. It helped me lose a lot of weight and feel much better. Go for it!

I've tried so hard, but I still need a half teaspoon of sugar in my tea - don't like it without, and sweeteners no good. One thing I did succeed with many years ago was to always have skimmed milk - in tea, on cereals, as a drink etc. Most people think it has no taste, but you honestly do get used to it and now even semi-skimmed is like drinking double cream to me!🙂
Ok this is what my sister does. First of all, because there is a lot of dried fruit plus the honey there is quite a bit of sugary carbs in there so please be careful with portion size, I don't want to cause havoc with your blood sugars. Basically, she cuts up some apples, she usually adds figs and cranberries and some seeds but you can use whatever is in the cupboard. She usually makes enough to fill a glass ovenproof bowl. Add some honey, then put it in the oven for about an hour at around 200 C. It depends how you like it though so check on it and taste at intervals to see how it's going.
I've tried so hard, but I still need a half teaspoon of sugar in my tea - don't like it without, and sweeteners no good. One thing I did succeed with many years ago was to always have skimmed milk - in tea, on cereals, as a drink etc. Most people think it has no taste, but you honestly do get used to it and now even semi-skimmed is like drinking double cream to me!🙂

Maybe you could try experimenting with 'speciality' teas or other blends - some e.g. Darjeeling are sweeter than others - or make it weaker. I enjoy tea weak but without sugar, sweetner or milk now.
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