What can I take with me during long distance coach travel. Diabetic type 2

Mrs D

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi! I’m a type 2 diabetic and would really appreciate it if you guys could offer advice regarding what to take/buy with me on a long distance coach journey which is estimated to take approx. 8 hours.
I am going on a River Cruise starting in Cologne. To get to the ship, we will be on the road from 6.30am UK. to around 8pm Cologne. This journey includes picking up passengers from various locations in the Uk, then a drive through France & Belgium and on to Germany. The first day itinary includes comfort breaks and the possibility of purchasing a snack or sandwich at Dover. When we reach Cologne, a light evening meal will be provided.
Can anyone suggest low carb, high protein snacks or cold quick no hassel meal/s I can discreetly take with me as I really do not want to eat “Truck stop” type foods, you know, chips, burgers, sanwiches, sweets etc.
looking forward to your advice. Thank You
You could get some Kind bars. They’re pretty low carb. What about hard boiling some eggs to take, along with nuts and maybe something like biltong. Rice cakes and oatcakes are low carb nibbles. If you’re hungry at a truck stop, you could have a burger and toss away the bun. Or, depending on your meds and situation, you could just eat what’s available in moderation as it’s only one day or two. You might find you’re not that hungry on the coach anyway.

A River Cruise sounds lovely. Have a great time 🙂
If my only option is a sandwich then I usually eat the middle and not the crusts. Other good snacks would be nuts, Nature Valley Protein bars, KIND or Graze, Some chunks of cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, a small tub of hummus.
You could get some Kind bars. They’re pretty low carb. What about hard boiling some eggs to take, along with nuts and maybe something like biltong. Rice cakes and oatcakes are low carb nibbles. If you’re hungry at a truck stop, you could have a burger and toss away the bun. Or, depending on your meds and situation, you could just eat what’s available in moderation as it’s only one day or two. You might find you’re not that hungry on the coach anyway.

A River Cruise sounds lovely. Have a great time 🙂
Thank You Inka, I will certainly look into the Kind Bars and as I already include nuts & seeds in my diet, I will take some of these. The Tour company said Not to bring any smelly foods so I guess eggs are out but the rice cakes are another good suggestion.
If my only option is a sandwich then I usually eat the middle and not the crusts. Other good snacks would be nuts, Nature Valley Protein bars, KIND or Graze, Some chunks of cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, a small tub of hummus.
Thank you leading lights, I try to steer away from bread as it raises my blood sugars. I’ll look into the Nature Valley Bars and I like the idea of cucumber and tomatoes with hummus.
Hope you are able to find some suitable things to pack to take with you. More and more service stations in the UK seem to have mini-supermarkets in them, like M&S food, or Waitrose, so you may find you can pick up some fresh salads, cold meats, etc en-route?

Most of all, enjoy your trip! It sounds marvellous!
If I feel the need to take food for a trip, I quite like chicken drumsticks - nutritious, tasty and if individually wrapped in foil, you can use the foil to hold them, and minimise greasy fingers. If I'm doing those, I do ensure I have a napkin and wet wipes to be sure.

Cold, decent quality sausages, a pot of yoghurt (I happen to enjoy plain), with a plastic spook I wouldn't be fussed to lose along the way.

M&S for chorizo/salami crisps with a great bite, although someone with an uber keen sense of smell might pick those up. M&S also do crudite with dips, and prawn cocktails in individual post.

There are loads of options, but I quite often just fast when travelling. I need to live a gluten-free lifestyle and whilst very doable, fasting makes things simple.

To be clear, I don't take any medication to help with my diabetes, so I have no concerns on that front.