What are your basal rates?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just being nosey and wondered what your hourly basal rates are compared to mine 🙂 I know mine aren't perfect yet but they are nearly there!

00.00-02.00 - 0.15U/h
02.00-03.00 - 0.25
03.00-04.00 - 1.00
04.00-05.00 - 1.50
05.00-06.00 - 2.50
06.00-07.00 - 3.00
07.00-09.00 - 3.50
09.00-10.00 - 3.00
10.00-12.00 - 2.00
12.00-14.00 - 1.75
14.00-18.00 - 1.25
18.00-20.00 - 1.50
20.00-22.00 - 2.00
22.00-23.00 - 1.00
23.00-24.00 - 0.15
Wowsers that's really complex Phil! I'm not even sure I can set that many variations 🙂

Still very much in the early stages myself, and working on the 'Pumping Insulin' principle that changes need to be made an hour or two before you want them to take effect. My current rough and ready set is:

Midnight: 0.475u/h
4.00am: 0.425u/h
6.00am: 0.525u/h
7.00am: 0.500u/h
1.00pm: 0.525u/h
10.00pm: 0.500u/h

That's 12.3u/day and approx 60% TDD.

Working reasonably well though I still have a lot of tweaking to do.
Wowsers that's really complex Phil! I'm not even sure I can set that many variations 🙂

Still very much in the early stages myself, and working on the 'Pumping Insulin' principle that changes need to be made an hour or two before you want them to take effect. My current rough and ready set is:

Midnight: 0.475u/h
4.00am: 0.425u/h
6.00am: 0.525u/h
7.00am: 0.500u/h
1.00pm: 0.525u/h
10.00pm: 0.500u/h

That's 12.3u/day and approx 60% TDD.

Working reasonably well though I still have a lot of tweaking to do.

I find it fascinating that everybody's insulin requirements vary so much! Glad that pumping is going well for you Mike 🙂 It has certainly been going great for me lately....I love my pump!
0000: 0.575
0230: 0.875
0600: 0.650
0800: 0.775
1500: 0.650
1630: 0.275
1830: 0.650

This is my weekday one, my weekend stays at 0.650 from 1500 onwards.

Need to basal test - think I need more in the early afternoon and need to reduce the 1830 as still hypoing on my way back from work!
00.00 - 01.00 0.50
01.00 - 10.00 0.46
10.00 - 17.00 0.50
17.00 - 21.00 0.46
21.00 - 24.00 0.50

TOTAL 11.46u

You would think from that, it would be relatively easy to replicate that with Lantus or Levemir, wouldn't you? But I can assure you, it just isn't !
wow.....i take a serious amount more of insulin than you guys!....I've already lowered a couple of my basals a bit! lol. Still 37 units though.
Horses for courses - everyone's different!

Did your TDD reduce much when you went on the pump Phil? Mine's gone down by about a third, and apparently 50% is not uncommon.
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Well so what Phil? Far as I know it isn't a competition!
Well so what Phil? Far as I know it isn't a competition!

...........I was just shocked how much I took in relation to others! I had no idea....and yes I am competitive but absolutely not when it comes down to diabetes! 😉
Horses for courses - everyone's different!

Did your TDD reduce much when you went on the pump Phil? Mine's gone down by about a third, and apparently 50% is not uncommon.

My basal has slightly dropped Mike but my insulin carb ratio if anything has gone up....I suspect I didn't have it right on MDI! I am also pretty certain that I was taking too much Basal on MDI and probably sleeping through hypos and then bouncing and correcting morning highs! ....so, too much insulin all round! I am much more confident with my pump.
Mine are also still work in progress - whose aren't!! :D

00.00 0.35
02.00 0.25
05.00 0.625
06.30 0.65
11.00 0.50
14.30 0.4
16.00 0.375
18.00 0.525
I can't be ar*sed to type mine out total basal is aprox 12 units and bolus avarage 6 units per day.

lowest basal rate is 0.025 units running from 8pm until midnight.
Mine are also still work in progress - whose aren't!! :D

00.00 0.35
02.00 0.25
05.00 0.625
06.30 0.65
11.00 0.50
14.30 0.4
16.00 0.375
18.00 0.525

mmmm, similar sort of profile to mine...Dawn effect etc! 🙂
I can't be ar*sed to type mine out total basal is aprox 12 units and bolus avarage 6 units per day.

lowest basal rate is 0.025 units running from 8pm until midnight.


Wow, not much insulin Sue, your daily rate wouldn't cover my evening meal! ....6 units for me is about 30g carb, do you stick to low carb meals?
Phil - Sue has Addison's as well as D, so what look like minute doses on the face of it work for her just as well as bigger ones do for other people, and exactly why she was in such dire need of a pump in the first place!
wow.....i take a serious amount more of insulin than you guys!....I've already lowered a couple of my basals a bit! lol. Still 37 units though.

I can beat you! 😛

0000 1.450
0400 1.300
0700 1.500
1100 2.400
1200 4.000
1400 3.800
1600 1.150
1700 0.120
1900 0.800
2100 1.500

41.2 units!

(I should point out that I'm on steroids, but I've usually had a higher basal than is generally expected for my height/weight :D)
Phil - Sue has Addison's as well as D, so what look like minute doses on the face of it work for her just as well as bigger ones do for other people, and exactly why she was in such dire need of a pump in the first place!

Having Addison's mean's I take steroids every day to replace what my own body does not produce.
I have never had a need for high doses of insulin from day of diabetes diagnoses 47 years ago.


Wow, not much insulin Sue, your daily rate wouldn't cover my evening meal! ....6 units for me is about 30g carb, do you stick to low carb meals?

Lol no I don't do low carb.
My insulin dose has gone down dramatically since being on a pump. Having a pump just enables me to channel the insulin where it's needed or divert as as the case may be.
This is mine for when I'm being active (though it will often be less as I use temp basals when running/walking/going to the supermarket) It ins't nearly as complicated as other peoples.
00.00: 0,50
03 00: 0.55
10.30: 0.45
20.00 : 0.50
total 11.4
The other pattern works out a unit more and is higher overnight for when I've been lazy.
Normally works out 40-45% basal
Midnight-to-7am.......0.45 u/h

11.8 units basal/day. Looking at 2 week run..........average TDD = 18.6 w/ max-min of 22-16.5. Average percents over same period.....37 bolus/63 basal.
I can beat you! 😛

0000 1.450
0400 1.300
0700 1.500
1100 2.400
1200 4.000
1400 3.800
1600 1.150
1700 0.120
1900 0.800
2100 1.500

41.2 units!

(I should point out that I'm on steroids, but I've usually had a higher basal than is generally expected for my height/weight :D)

great!.......I was beginning to think I am some sort of insulin freak! :D
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