What are the complications if your misdiagnosed.

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have read a few in here where misdiagnosed r.e you where told your type 2 but in fact you where a type 1, but i wanted to know if that went on for many years what kind of things does that put the person in danger of, i guess that you may need to be on insulin but you aint so that could cause damage but what else can occur with a misdiagnosis?

Cheers x
I have read a few in here where misdiagnosed r.e you where told your type 2 but in fact you where a type 1, but i wanted to know if that went on for many years what kind of things does that put the person in danger of, i guess that you may need to be on insulin but you aint so that could cause damage but what else can occur with a misdiagnosis?

Cheers x

The results would be the same as uncontrolled/undiagnosed diabetes as you wouldn't be getting the right treatment needed so levels stay high. It could prolong the time it took to get really ill I guess if lifestyle changes were made on the basis of the T2 diagnosis but if it was T1 eventually you'd expect it to lead to dka.

In my case I continued to have all the symptoms of diabetes so continued to lose weight, uncontrollable thirst etc. And of course higher blood sugars but as I wasn't testing I had no way of knowing. By the time I was properly diagnosed as T1 I was well on my way to developing dka so I doubt it would have been long before I'd ended up in hospital, making the correct diagnosis inevitable.
Some have said i might not be type 2 but i dont know where they get that from.I may be 1.5 so if i suggested this to my gp could he do test to determine ?
I suppose Steff people may assume your are type 1 because of your age. Young type 2s are fairly unusual. If someone who looks under that age of about 35 says they are diabetic I tend to assume they mean type 1.

But if your HBa1c has responded so well to Metformin alone that would indicate you are probably not type 1.
There was a very sad case on my Type 1 course where a lady there was in her late 30s and overweight so they assumed she was Type 2, she was put on metformin and it didn't reduce her BG at all because her body was producing no insulin. Sadly, she lost a baby because of it, she said her BG was in the 20s at the time. After that she was rediagnosed as T1 and got things much more under control.
Well i dunno im still left concerned and confused,
Some have said i might not be type 2 but i dont know where they get that from.I may be 1.5 so if i suggested this to my gp could he do test to determine ?

I was told I was Type 1 wen first diagnosed then after a year they said Type 2 now they are saying I'm type 1 again.. confused much!!!
Sorry Steff, my post probably wasn't very helpful, you question just reminded me of the lady I'd met who'd been mis-diagnosed. I remember you said your recent A1C was a bit high, did the doctor or nurse talk about why that may be, or suggest anything to get it down? As Sweet Guy said, if you got good results with metformin and diet control, then you probably would be type 2, because if your body was producing no insulin then these methods wouldn't help. I think if you are T1 then your HBA1C is very high without any insulin - mine was 14%.

I don't know a lot about Type 1.5, LADA or MODY - maybe try a different post asking people with these conditions how they were diagnosed and what their HBA1C was before they started treatment, and how they know they're that type?
There are tests available that will show if a person is still producing insulin and (I think) whether there are insulin antibodies - these allow a more definite diagnosis. If you're producing a lot of insulin, but your body isn't using it very well, then you have insulin resistance and are most likely Type 2. If no insulin Type 1. If some insulin, but antibodies I think that means you are developing Type 1 (i.e. an immune attack on your own insulin producing beta cells).

It's not always clear cut though. Sometimes it's obvious, like if someone is in DKA.
Northerner shal I mention it to my DSN when i see her next Monday because I have doubts .
Northerner shal I mention it to my DSN when i see her next Monday because I have doubts .

Certainly ask her if you're worried Steff. Ask her what criteria they have used to say that you are Type 2 and if she thinks that the evidence of the past year supports this diagnosis. Ask her if it's possible you could be a slow onset Type 1. Should be a good test of her knowledge!
Certainly ask her if you're worried Steff. Ask her what criteria they have used to say that you are Type 2 and if she thinks that the evidence of the past year supports this diagnosis. Ask her if it's possible you could be a slow onset Type 1. Should be a good test of her knowledge!

Thank you Northerner. Just i want to make sure I am definelty type 2 , i hope they dont think im a waste of time.
hi there i was told i was type2 in feb 2004 i was well untill 2006 where i then went on to lose 4 stone in 5 months and i was so ill all the time i then was told it was type 1 but iwas old for type 1 being 40 at the time..since doing dafne 2 years ago i have learnt this happens to a lot of ppl and they have moved the goal post to birth to 40 now with type 1 apprantely it used to be up to age of 30 thats what ive been told...iim now on 5 to 8 injections a day and curently being considered for the pump
hi there i was told i was type2 in feb 2004 i was well untill 2006 where i then went on to lose 4 stone in 5 months and i was so ill all the time i then was told it was type 1 but iwas old for type 1 being 40 at the time..since doing dafne 2 years ago i have learnt this happens to a lot of ppl and they have moved the goal post to birth to 40 now with type 1 apprantely it used to be up to age of 30 thats what ive been told...iim now on 5 to 8 injections a day and curently being considered for the pump

I think they really should rethink these classifications and preconceptions. I was 49 when I was diagnosed Type 1 and I have heard many similar stories. I think the onset is likely to be slower if you are older - with the quickest onset in young children, but you can basically develop it at any age.
hi there i was told i was type2 in feb 2004 i was well untill 2006 where i then went on to lose 4 stone in 5 months and i was so ill all the time i then was told it was type 1 but iwas old for type 1 being 40 at the time..since doing dafne 2 years ago i have learnt this happens to a lot of ppl and they have moved the goal post to birth to 40 now with type 1 apprantely it used to be up to age of 30 thats what ive been told...iim now on 5 to 8 injections a day and curently being considered for the pump

So do alot of you think like what sweetguy does, if anyone talks to a diabetic under 30 then you assume there type 1?
Sorry Steff, my post probably wasn't very helpful, you question just reminded me of the lady I'd met who'd been mis-diagnosed. I remember you said your recent A1C was a bit high, did the doctor or nurse talk about why that may be, or suggest anything to get it down? As Sweet Guy said, if you got good results with metformin and diet control, then you probably would be type 2, because if your body was producing no insulin then these methods wouldn't help. I think if you are T1 then your HBA1C is very high without any insulin - mine was 14%.

I don't know a lot about Type 1.5, LADA or MODY - maybe try a different post asking people with these conditions how they were diagnosed and what their HBA1C was before they started treatment, and how they know they're that type?

No reason was given no and the pills dont seem to have any effect in my own opinion i will be putting all these thoughts to my dsn next week.
So do alot of you think like what sweetguy does, if anyone talks to a diabetic under 30 then you assume there type 1?

I think that the general public associates Type 1 with children and younger people and Type 2 with older people because that's how they always used to talk about the two types. Type 1 is much commoner in younger people and Type 2 more common in older people, but that doesn't mean that is always the case. Also, the public are constantly (and incorrectly) being told that Type 2 only happen to older fatter people who don't take care of themselves - again, this isn't true, but it's what most of the public assume I'm sure.
Hi Steff,

when I look back i definately had symptoms up to two years before diagnosis, I believe it was only when my pancreas completely packed up that i beccame very poorly, very quickly.

If i were you i would definatley ask for a test.
Hi Steff,

when I look back i definately had symptoms up to two years before diagnosis, I believe it was only when my pancreas completely packed up that i beccame very poorly, very quickly.

If i were you i would definatley ask for a test.

I will i just hope the DSN can authroise the test my other half said it might have to be my doctor, i just dont want them all saying well we dont think you need it but then i can turn around and say look its my right cant i?
My hospital are running clinics for everyone diagnosed with diabetes aged 18-45 whatever type they have been diagnosed with to investigate what type of diabetes they have. They are also seeing people under 45 who have been diagnosed with type 2 for studies. Don't know if anything similar is happening in your part of the country.
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