What are diabetic meals like on British Airways flights like and are they any good?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have type 2 and are flying with BA on a long haul flight in a few weeks time, are the diabetic meals any good and is it worth ordering them ? Or just getting the normal meal on the flight instead?
I have no idea what any airline would deem to be “diabetic” meals because the diet varies so much for each of us. For example, some people with type 2 eat a low carb diet whereas, for Type 1, I mostly care how many carbs there are so I can dose my insulin appropriately.
I doubt if it is low carb. I avoid it.
I do not eat meat but would discourage a VGML as it is usually pasta. I usually go for Asian vegetarian which is usually a curry. Whilst it comes with rice and bread, these can be avoided.
I made the mistake of ordering the ‘diabetic’ meal on the first long haul flight I ever went on. Never again!

While everyone else was enjoying what looked to be very tasty and eminently suitable for someone with diabetes I had a succession of scrupulously low fat cardboard :rofl:
I didn't realise there was such a thing as a 'diabetic meal' so I looked up the BA website and sure enough, amongst Kosher, Vegan etc is this:-

This is a nutritionally balanced meal, prepared for diabetic customers. It contains minimal sugar content and a balance of proteins, fats, fibre and complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbs includes things like brown rice and potatoes so I'm now wondering what these meals might contain.
Complex carbs includes things like brown rice and potatoes so I'm now wondering what these meals might contain.

The one I had was high in complex carbs, and ultralow in fat. Which is certainly one version of a meal people with diabetes might opt for.
I have type 2 and are flying with BA on a long haul flight in a few weeks time, are the diabetic meals any good and is it worth ordering them ? Or just getting the normal meal on the flight instead?
In order to give you a better steer on this, it could be useful if you could describe how you usually eat.

As others have said, diabetic meals on the airlines I have travelled on (no BA curiously, but most of the other biggies) are just bland.

Whilst I have to be gluten free to now, I order a GF meal, just, to be sure, but still ditch what they say is bread etc.

One thing to also be aware of is that special order meals are usually served ahead of normal service, so you could find yourself either waiting and eating cold food, or eating before any travelling companions.

I have also been known to fast on long haul - especially if they are at anti-social hours.
I only did once, and I do not think it was BA. It was a totally carb free ham salad so I had to ask for a roll although I do tend to carry emergency carb with me. The one time I went to Australia I had to bin all my emergency carb as no food imports were allowed. So I binned it, got through the checks and did a quick shop!
I made the mistake of ordering the ‘diabetic’ meal on the first long haul flight I ever went on. Never again!

While everyone else was enjoying what looked to be very tasty and eminently suitable for someone with diabetes I had a succession of scrupulously low fat cardboard :rofl:
My wife once made the mistake of letting them know with Gulf air. Apart from being the first person to get served on the plane. Which made me feel “special.” The food was bland. It just needed a trip up to the cockpit to meet the captain to complete the experience.
The one I had was high in complex carbs, and ultralow in fat. Which is certainly one version of a meal people with diabetes might opt for.
That seems the exact opposite of the LC/HF diet that many of us follow, though...???
I would definitely stick to the normal meals on flights and then eat the bits that I want.
Enjoy your trip.
That seems the exact opposite of the LC/HF diet that many of us follow, though...???
It was what was being advised by the hospital when I was first (mis)diagnosed with Type 2, so the airlines would follow those guidelines.
That seems the exact opposite of the LC/HF diet that many of us follow, though...???

Yes. That’s why I mentioned it! It’s a style of menu followed by many with T2 (and sometimes advised by their HCPs), but the ‘diabetic’ meal isn’t what many on the forum would choose to eat.

My guess is that airline diabetic meals would be more of the ‘Eatwell Plate’ style, than low carb.
I have type 2 and are flying with BA on a long haul flight in a few weeks time, are the diabetic meals any good and is it worth ordering them ? Or just getting the normal meal on the flight instead?
As you can see, lots of thoughts on this but I think @helli is right, it's hard to envisage a 'diabetic meal' when diets vary according to diabetes type. Also, some of us are diet-controlled and others are insulin dependent, and there are those in between who are on different types of meds. How are you managing your T2?
Must admit the problem with this sort of thing is that whoever came up with the idea of a meal "suitable for diabetics" clearly has no understanding of diabetes. As such you should be a bit wary of what they come up with.
I would avoid the 'diabetic meals' and go for the standard offers perhaps choosing one that was lower in Carbs.
I would avoid the 'diabetic meals' and go for the standard offers perhaps choosing one that was lower in Carbs.
That's what I'd do but we don't know how @KellySuffolk manages their T2. They might be insulin-dependent or on Gliclazide, for example.
As the makers of this stuff don't know you or your requirements I also would stick with the food that the "normal" people are eating and adjust it yourself.
I had a TUI diabetic meal once, it didn’t have the bread or the cheese and crackers that my husband got. But was very nice, low carb and lower fat. I enjoyed it and maybe if I was type 2 or on a low carb diet I would go for it again.

On the way back I just got a standard meal as I do prefer the bread roll, part of the holiday / flight experience
If it's anything like normal Airline food, absolutely disgusting.🙂
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