what an i allowed to drink please


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i drink loads of coffee, but i guess with type two i wont be allowed, at home i drink de caf, with 1 sugar also diet coke, as i cant stand water, any ideals, please,
i drink loads of coffee, but i guess with type two i wont be allowed, at home i drink de caf, with 1 sugar also diet coke, as i cant stand water, any ideals, please,
Coffee with milk or cream but no sugar, tea, fruit tea, diet drinks. Have you tried the sparkling flavoured water, loads flavours available.
Dry wine, spirits with diet mixers are better than beer of cider.
i drink loads of coffee, but i guess with type two i wont be allowed, at home i drink de caf, with 1 sugar also diet coke, as i cant stand water, any ideals, please,
You can drink coffee if you want, ideally without sugar. I have 2 or 3 mugs a day, decaf made with 60mls of oat milk topped up with water. In a coffee shop I have an oat milk cappuccino. There's not much difference in carbs between oat milk and dairy but I have it because it has much less saturated fat. I stopped having my usual lattes after diagnosis.

My diet drink of choice is Sprite Zero but I also have sparkling water flavoured with a little squash or cordial sometimes.
I think you can drink most things whilst being conscious of sugar including carbs. I have noticed coffee in a cafe can be quite calorific but I still enjoy a few a week. Ive never had added syrup. I haven't had sugar in drinks since I was 12. If you cut down sugar in one thing you find you want less in another. I drink tea with semi skimmed. Recently I've chosen to have green tea or decaff coffee at night. Now I no longer need to get up to pee I'm enjoying unbroken sleep.
I went on a new drug on Saturday which suggests moderate alcohol. As I've decided to lose weight I'm not drinking. I've had two glasses of dry white over last three months. I suspect if I want a glass of red with a meal I will need to check it's effects.
Do check advice on any medication you take.
Hi @liver1047, there are lots of squashes which are low sugar and if well diluted do not affect your bg. If you don't like sweeteners in your coffee you can wean yourself off sugar with a bit of perseverance. I used to take 3 sugars in tea and coffee in my teens. Reduced it by half a teaspoon until I got used to the taste then another half teaspoon until I stopped adding sugar. Now any sugar in tea or coffee tastes sickly sweet to me.
i drink loads of coffee, but i guess with type two i wont be allowed, at home i drink de caf, with 1 sugar also diet coke, as i cant stand water, any ideals, please,
What's wrong with coffee? I'm lucky in that I prefer it black and without sugar. I also drink diet coke 🙂. When I was a student (long, long ago - and thankfully long before I developed LADA) I drank Guinness 😱. That's as likely to be a part of my diet now as pork scratchings.
I still enjoy a cider now and again despite all the warnings not to - it's all about moderation - and I don't find it has too much effect on my BG anyway (Including afterwards) - that said, everyone is different of course (I may be one of the lucky ones!)_
What's wrong with coffee? I'm lucky in that I prefer it black and without sugar. I also drink diet coke 🙂. When I was a student (long, long ago - and thankfully long before I developed LADA) I drank Guinness 😱. That's as likely to be a part of my diet now as pork scratchings.
Nothing wrong with pork scratchings if you like them.