What a Start!!

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Happy New Year to you all!

Lost my good mind set recently and although I have not gone totally off the rails, I admit to having some chocolates and a couple of mince pies over the festive season (and enjoyed them!).
My husband was made redundant a couple of days before Christmas and I think the 'oh to hell with it!' crept in as stress levels have rather increased.

So, along with trying to lose weight, keep my bs down (5.3 on Sunday), watch the cholesterol numbers, starting a new OU course, I'm now trying to fight-off depression as well - got to keep positive for OH. Not looking forward to my review in early January.
Any spare good vibes out there would definately be appreciated
good vibes

It's not a crime to enjoy a few mince pies and chocolates! In fact, it should be positively encouraged - that's why Christmas only comes once a year!

Re your husband's redundancy - hope you're both getting appropriate help / support from Dept of Work & Pensions / Job Centre, plus union, CAB etc if appropriate?

For keeping both weight and blood sugar down, without costing much (usually just transport to get there) and not requiring any new kit, you might like to try www.whi.org.uk (Walking the Way to Health Initiative - walk finder box on near top of right side of page)
Or, cycling - many local cycling campaigns can advise about cheap sources of bikes (second hand or new), run introductory mentoring schemes for adults who are new to cycling or returning after many years of not cycling, leisure rides etc.
Or ask GP about "Exercise on Prescription" (names vary depending on where you live.
Or try www.nhs.uk/Change4Life/Pages/default.aspx (newly launched NHS Change4Life programme aimed at general public, including aiming to prevent Type 2 diabetes; very new, so I don't know how it will work out / be implemented in different areas)

What OU course are you doing? Hope you're enjoying it? Is there a summer school to look forward to?
You have my support. We should all enjoy the finer things in life once in a while, that is why they are called treats and why we have Christmas and Easter.

I'm sorry your husbands job was made redundant. He has lots of good skills, so keep your chin up and something is bound to turn up soon.

Good luck with the Open University Course. Is it the Diabetes Care one? I had that one lined up until the childminder let me down, along with an Expert Patients Course, and a stress reduction course. Not sure which I am most cross about, the childminder letting me down or loosing the courses. As I have used all of my leave up and my husband doesn't retire till August I may not be able to get om any of my courses till next year.

Keep your chin up nothing is forever...
Sorry to hear about your husband's job sounds like your doing all the right things. Keep going and congrats on the BS levels.
Take care.
Awwww Karen sorry about all you sad news...........but please dont be too hard on yourself.........in the grand scale of things whats a few mince pies????

I got my diagnosis christmas week and if it had been on week late Id have been tucking into mince pies and christmas pud and lots of other goodies too.

Bbut I know what you mean about being depressed as all our troubles seem to come at once and are hard to cope with alone let alone all at once.
My son is fighting a war, my daughter is seriously ill in hospital, my brother had a crisis and Ive got sore feet and am hoping around like a demented rabbit with corns 😉, (a very fat rabbit as my thyroid problem means I cant easily loose weight)

In all this there is a positive side too........at least we know and are aware of our condition and with care it will improve and we can be spared the major health problems that might have occurred later on. we are beginning to improve our health and that in turn makes it easier to handle our problems,so give thanks for that and that can be a starting point to you feeling less depressed.

also this site seems to be filled with caring understanding people who can guide, advise, comiserate and share our joys.

Hope you will soon be feeling better 🙂
Hi Karen,

Wow! What a pre-Christmas! Really sorry to hear about your hubby's job, I'm hearing of more and more lately - it's quite a scarey time really isn't it. Anyway, you sound like a normally positive lady - and I'm sure you'll get back to that.

As to goin off the rails - bu**er it! - Whoever expects us to live in lettuce hell over Christmas is living in cloud cuckoo land! As long as we're adult enough to accept any results of our choices and not whine about how good we've been when we blatently haven't I don't see it as being anyone's business but our own.

If you're feeling down, it's a womens' perogative to reach for something sinful... and in the absence of Pearce Brosnan or that guy who drinks tea naked in the Lacoste advert (Ian sonthing or other).... that bloomin mince pie will do.... for now!! :D

You go Girl!! Good luck with OU and the dreaded review in Jan! xx
Sorry to hear about your husband's news. All we can do is hope for things to improve.

I too have overindulged this last two weeks. We are aware of this and can do something about it.
Well done with your bs and happy new year
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Having had a cold for most of Christmas, and feeling down, I read through the posts here. In the great scheme of things I don't have it so bad. There are things I'd like to change, but I am going to stay POSITIVE. Every day is going to be PAM day that is Positive Attitude mentally.

I think all the things that are sent to try and test us help us appreciate the good times, and help us get through the bad times. Every problem solved helps us solve the next one we encounter with even more skill and confidence.

Happy New Year to everyone, may our year be as stress and problem free as possible.
You are not alone!!! I also have over indulged over the Christmas period. I have tried to work out my insulin requirements against the food intake, did not do too badly!? If occasionaly you do not break out it becomes a little boring. As long as you are aware of the carbohydrate approx values, it is not too sad!!!
Like others I too have overindulged over the Christmas and New Year period but been fortunate that, despite a cold, my blood glucose levels have not been too bad and have settled down as the cold's gone so when I forgot to have a mid-morning snack yesterday I then had a hypo! However, my weight has gone up so, like Karen, back to trying to lose it
Hi Karren
I to had bad news just befor chrismas my wife was laid off till mid jan and I to eat to much as well but we have got to pick our selfs back up as there is all ways some thing better comes around so good luck to you both.
Thanks for all your replies and for the encouraging words!
I like the sound of having PAM days Caroline - positive attitudes are carb/calorie/sugar free, sounds like I can over-indulge to my heart's content!!
So, with that firmly in my mind, I've been sorting out my new diet/exercise regime complete with rewards even for the little successes.
Thanks for listening, don't normally let the down-side of me show much, so it's nice to know you are there.
I am sure we are all with you Karen - once diagnosed I lose about a stone quite quickly but then plateau'd and then it was xmas! I need to lose at least 2 more so will be sorting out my running plan (once the snow disappears) and making a positive commitment to eating healthily too. Good luck with it - you'll find lots of support here.
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