What a result - Hba1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Well what a result.

We had clinic yesterday. When we first started pumping three years ago we went down from the high 8's and 9's to 7.6 and stayed around that for a year. Then Jessica had the worst hypo ever and I thought I was losing her, it was that bad. Glucagon came out to play and it worked. As Jessica is slightly different to normal type 1 (no pancreas and added problems to do with that) Gt Ormond St and UCLH put their heads together to try to come up with something to guarantee no more of these unexpected bad hypos. We tried cornstarch at night, porridge and lots more. We had to run her high ish and these all pushed her way up. Her next a1c was 9.6 😱

Since then we have worked damned hard to bring that down slowly. We went to 8.6, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.1 last time (few more 8's thrown inbetween). Yesterday I would have been happy with an 8.0 but I desparately wanted a 7.9. Well guess what we got..........

WOOOOOOOOOO well done thats so great adreinne your such a hard working mum thats why well done you and J as well must be delighted xx
Well done Adrienne! And Jessica of course! What a great result xxx
Well done to both of you, great result 🙂 x
Wow well done Adrienne and Jessica, that is so good! Very inspiring too, since you both have to work soo hard to get good numbers 🙂 xx
That's fantastic news Adrienne, so happy for you and Jessica! It must be a great feeling to know that all that hard work is paying off! Does Jessica get a treat? And Mum?:D
Well done to you and jessica for working so hard!

Emma xx
Brilliant news and well done to you both for a great achievement.
Thats brilliant Adrienne!!

You truly deserve to feel pleased as punch, fantastic xxxx
Thanks guys, I am totally chuffed. Need to keep at it to bring it down much more. 🙂
what a mum ...what a daughter well done to both of you your both total stars xxxx
Well done!!! Fab result!! So pleased for you both! 🙂
Adrienne -- feel quite tearful at this result. Have an inkling of the push to get here.

Well. So well done. Chuffed to bits for you.

Take time to congratulate yourself and J. What a journey.

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