What a mess.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I am just calming down from a recent chat with the surgery. I have written previously about my strange diagnosis. Briefly in 2018 not allowed blood test by GP had to go privately. Blood test lost, then found result returned to surgery with Hba1c of 75 During talks with the nurse over the last two years one mentioned the returned test could be the wrong sample.I checked the paperwork, differnt ref number and no name on paper.

I didn't say anything any more because the GP didn't want to listen. She probably rhought I was in denial. But that isn't my nature i am very pragmatic and simply had the annual reviews etc But this week the nurse said all your numbers are too good for any diabetic she had seen. I said nothing and finally she said 'You know i think there has been a mistake with your original blood test' Give me strength. I decided that sticking with the existing diagnosis made more sense 'just in case'... She was all for getting me off the register. I really wish they would listen a little more instead of making quick assumptions about people. Feel better now.
So do you think you never had diabetes at all @Sharron1 ?
So do you think you never had diabetes at all @Sharron1 ?
I don't have a clue. Neither does!anyone else. When i first saw the GP almost four years i didn't have any symptoms but as my mum and dad both had late onset diabetes i thought it would be a good idea to get it checked In the spirit of prevention is better than cure. The GP said (and I remember it word for word 'oh as you don't have any symptoms you can't have the blood test' Because I was in so much pain with my knee (another horrid story, same GP) i didn't have the energy to put up much of a fight in the end she said i could go privately and she would write a letter for me. The beginning of this odd journey.Two of the nurses previously haven't been convinced about the diagnosis. Of course now I don't know but don't want to be kicked off the register, as I said 'just in case'. I appreciate GPs are busy and time poor but a few minutes listening might make their lives easier in the long run . Needless to say I don't see this GP anymore.But it doesn't help when the nurse reintroduces the 'oddness' of the tale. No doubt I will have a similar conversation at next Hba1c time.
Looking at your hba1c history, I don't see any sign of diabetes. If you have managed that on diet and exercise then you qualify for remission. Well done.

Test occasionally just to be sure, but take the win.
Ah but not that simple I am taking metformin (twice daily). It is a bit of a mess.. Most of the tome I just get on with it but when the nurse spoke to me last week about the first lost and found blood test and different reference number I didn't know what to say to her. Hey ho.
Sounds like a lovely dream to me… waking up to find this had all been a big mistake.
Rubbish if they have diagnosed you by mistake tho, but I’m sure these things do happen.
Do you want to stay on metformin as a preventative thing?

Sounds like a huge mess and I do hope it is investigated.
Not only has your world been turned upside down, someone else potentially got normal results in an error.
Do you want to stay on metformin as a preventative thing?

Sounds like a huge mess and I do hope it is investigated.
Not only has your world been turned upside down, someone else potentially got normal results in an error.
Oh my… I never thought of that!
Sounds like a lovely dream to me… waking up to find this had all been a big mistake.
Rubbish if they have diagnosed you by mistake tho, but I’m sure these things do happen.
I agree but for me it is the not knowing...
Do you want to stay on metformin as a preventative thing?

Sounds like a huge mess and I do hope it is investigated.
Not only has your world been turned upside down, someone else potentially got normal results in an error.
Ages ago when the nurse first mentioned wrong sample I did wonder what had happened to mine and some poor soul had the wrong result. I have read loads on this fab/informative website about metformin and tbh there are other benefits to staying on it So i am quite ok with it. As for investigation I doubt it very much they didn't two years ago when a nurse first introduced the sample error.Talking to a medical friend when I mentioned the name of the errant GP she simply said 'oh her, she has form' My bad luck.
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Sounds like a lovely dream to me… waking up to find this had all been a big mistake.
Rubbish if they have diagnosed you by mistake tho, but I’m sure these things do happen.
Just adding I am far more savvy about medical matters now. Take my own BP am almost a DIY patient
I was sent a blood test form that was meant for somebody else, I was outranged that something like that could have happened but the surgery seemed totally unconcerned that they had breached data protection etc.
My son was referred for Autism testing, they said it would take up to 2 years to hear anything. After 18 months of not hearing I called to see how it was going. They had never sent off the paperwork and it was in somebody else’s file. This meant we had to start the process again then covid hit and the department closed. 4 years later we still are no further forward and the doctors didn’t even apologise. Blamed me for not chasing it up sooner
Oh I totally get that… nobody seems to know what an earth is wrong with me, drives you crazy !
Reading many of your previous posts I sensed you would get my frustration and sometimes bewilderment. Good luck with your battles.
My son was referred for Autism testing, they said it would take up to 2 years to hear anything. After 18 months of not hearing I called to see how it was going. They had never sent off the paperwork and it was in somebody else’s file. This meant we had to start the process again then covid hit and the department closed. 4 years later we still are no further forward and the doctors didn’t even apologise. Blamed me for not chasing it up sooner
Apologise???Are you kidding At med school they must have a core module 'Never wrong blame the patient'
Reading many of your previous posts I sensed you would get my frustration and sometimes bewilderment. Good luck with your battles.
Good luck to you too! Thing is it’s one thing not knowing, but having type unknown on your file indefinitely means I get no treatment for either until a consultant reviews me and I don’t have a consultant. Honestly you couldn’t make this stuff up
Good luck to you too! Thing is it’s one thing not knowing, but having type unknown on your file indefinitely means I get no treatment for either until a consultant reviews me and I don’t have a consultant. Honestly you couldn’t make this stuff up
I was seriously naive about the entire process .The original visit to GP about my was about my knee (which was later privately diagnoised as a torn meniscus- super painful) It works on trust and I am afraid I simply don't have trust anymore. Boy was that a steep learning curve for me.
Apologise???Are you kidding At med school they must have a core module 'Never wrong blame the patient'
One of the problems is most of the students going to med school are 18years old and have not experienced 'life'. My daughter went as a more mature adult having done other medical related degrees before and she commented on how different their attitude was and even now many only are interested in doing the minimum and don't show the commitment and dedication when newly qualified, that comes with time and experience.
One of the problems is most of the students going to med school are 18years old and have not experienced 'life'. My daughter went as a more mature adult having done other medical related degrees before and she commented on how different their attitude was and even now many only are interested in doing the minimum and don't show the commitment and dedication when newly qualified, that comes with time and experience.
How depressing.
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