What a joke.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, I thought I had funding until I got a message left on my voice mail on Friday. It came from my DSN. When I got back to her on Wednesday it was a bit of a shock what she had to say. Essentially what has happened is that neither my team nor I have had a letter from the PCT to confirm that I have the funding for my pump. What this boils down to is that as of Monday I have no funding for my pump as there is nothing concrete to state that I have it. This is rather frustrating as I've been ordering supplies for ten months without issues regarding money, only the quantity of what I have used. There weren't any problems with the DSN regarding that.
Frankly I'm disappointed and rather angry about all this to say the least.
I can't believe they went that long without noticing. Your team need to get that sorted out ASAP - surely your consultant will have copies of the letters he wrote to them to request funding? They need to call the PCT to sort this out.

Edit: don't Medtronic have some kind of record who has funding? I guess not but it seems silly that they dispatch stuff without having any kind of confirmation that the person has funding, aka the PCT will pay the bill?
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Ooh, sorry to hear of that. What a load of trouble for nothing, no doubt someone has dropped the ball somewhere along the line here.
Madness! Surely the PCT has been paying the medtronic invoices and wouldn't have done so if you didn't have funding. Maybe it's just the paperwork that's got lost? What is your DSN going to do to rectify the situation?

Hope it's sorted soon
That is very 😱 Tom and an absolute disgrace 😡
Can you also get hold of PALS and INPUT for advice?
Hi Tom,
I very much doubt that Medtronic would have sent the pump without confirmation of who was paying for it - they are really picky about paperwork and dont even like changing to different sets for some people so I doubt that they would have overlooked this. It sounds like a paperwork exercise that has been forgotten - if I were you I would just ask the DSN what she is going to do about it as there isnt anything that you can do yourself - put the ball back in her court.😱🙂Bev
Have you got an old delivery note?

As this will tell you where and who the invoice is being sent...

My invoices are sent straight to my consultant, I assume that he then passes them onto the accounts/procurment office for paying...

But it does sound as though it's either somebody didn't dot the I's and cross the T's or have emptied out there paper tray probably...

I would also your consultants secertary, and ask to speak to your consultant concerning this as you want it resolved as quickly as possible.. And if he/she is who they are sending the invoice best person to speak to
A disgrace. Why on earth has she left this message for you? It isnt your problem to worry about, its theirs to sort out...now!

I would write a formal complaint to PALs now and tell them about the unecessary stress they are putting you under.
Hi Tom

It is all rather odd. Who owns the pump, the hospital or the PCT. For us, our hospital owns the pump, the PCT never paid for the pump, the PCT just pay for the consumables.

Not all hospitals work like that.

When we moved PCT's I suddenly got a phone call from Medtronic after about a year saying they had a years worth of invoices not paid. I asked why? Apparently they had been sent back from our old PCT saying not them. It was all sorted out eventually and it was no problem.

Medtronic sent the pump somewhere and it must have been paid for by someone, the hospital or the PCT though I do realise your hospital is in your PCT area (ours isn't).

If the consultant told the PCT you need a pump they HAVE to fund it, there is no quibble and I presume that your consultant originally wrote to the PCT saying you needed a pump and so one was ordered as have all the consumables for months and months.

I wouldn't worry just yet Tom, really I wouldn't. Wait. Ring a few people tomorrow. I ended up ringing PCT and Medtronic and it was fine.

If you have any problems at all, I have loads of reservoirs your size (about three months worth) as Jessica is getting a VEO 724 next Friday so we need the bigger reservoirs and I have 3/4 box of sils you can have as well. So no panicking just yet eh 🙂
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