We've got a pump clinic

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Ellie Jones

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Not sure when they started it as I've been pumping for 4 years now and I've only just heard about it..

The lead pump consultant secretary phoned me at home threw me a bit, as not accustomed to get phone calls at home, and the lead pump consultant isn't my actually consultant by one of the other pump doctors...

She was a bit apologetic as she had been asked to cancel my pump nurse appointment for January 2013, but has she had to sort out another matter with me, she thought she would let me know now so she didn't forget...

But also that my appointment in April with my consultant was being cancelled as I was being moved to the pump clinic which is an 30 min appointment... Which they could fit me in the day before at 9.30 am, sadly at the main hospital with is a 30mile round trip for me.. Not even sure that who I be seeing the lead pump consultant or my own consultant..

Next question what on earth do they do for thirty minutes😱

I struggled in January to take up 10 minutes of the pump nurse time, haven't got any problems and well its only going through my blood results..

Any body else got any ideas?
At my pump clinic (which I don't go to any more as it's too busy 🙄 ) the sequence was:
DSN appt
Dietician appt
Consultant appt
Plus 10-15 mins of sitting around with the others at that clinic for a chance to chat about pumps. A DSN would be there too, it was like a group appt, I think she was making sure we weren't going too off-piste with managing our pumps. EG I mentioned the pizza bolus of x% dual wave over 2 hours then a temp basal for the next 7 or 8 hours to control the late spike. She looked at me like 😱 and just said "well I've never heard of anyone doing that before, and I wouldn't recommend it..." :D
I'm sure you won't need to take 30 minutes of his and your time if it doesn't take that long! - he'd probably be jolly pleased if you don't as I'm sure a lot of other folk do.

But if he's a geezer you've never met before - depending on how good the hospital notes are of course - some time might be taken while he finds out 'who YOU are right now' - as opposed to what your notes show! I would certainly hope he'd do that, anyway.

I'm given the option on interim DSN appts by the way, as I was pre-pump - she'll phone after approx 3 months and say 'Do we need to catch up?' and I say Yeah or Nay - then I have to send her a weeks worth of readings anyway, just so she can see and if I don't hear back she's happy. If she isn't I would get another phone call asking me to go and see her.

At clinics - pump or otherwise, we get the option to see DSN and dietitian but don't have to see either if no need. And then can make individual appts with either/both as and when.
Ellie, do you go to warwick or stratford on avon for your 6 month check- ups?
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