went back to see nurse

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well i went to see the Dafne nurse to day and she said that she thought that I was still having tomuch BI and to drop it agen but I told her that when I had done that last month i was very unwell and had high BGs in the 19.0 and 20.0 but she was still saying to drop it agen. She wants me to have a blood monitor put on for a week then she can see what my BGs are it will take my bloods every 10 mins.It will be fixed to my upper arm for a week. Anybody else had this done.:confused:Well she is going to phone me when she has it back it is out on lone at the min. And there is only one it was expensive about ?800 I think she said. But I am feeling better than last month.So dose anybody know anything about these blood monitors.
Sounds like a CGMS - Continuous Glucose Monitoring System 🙂 Should be very interesting to see what happens! I haven't used one but I know a few others had and are better placed to advise. They are becoming very popular in the US these days so maybe one day we'll all get one! 🙂
thanks I think there is just the one in the hole of CUMBRIA so I will have to wate a week or two it taces the blood every 10mins and then they download it and can see what is going on over the week with the highs and lows and give you the best way to manage it I let you all know what happens.
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