• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

well that was a first .


Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well i had an experience last night at 20.00 i took my bloods i was 9.0 that was ok for me , then about 23.45 im sitting watching tele before bed and all of a sudden i become very tired i start to get pins and needles in my fingers and im slurring my words i was like woah dont feel good! soon as my partner noticed he said take your blood took it i was 17.1 i was so pleased he was there he spotted the signs straight away , (he used to live with a type 1 for 5 years )so he kinda knows more then i do . i thought back and between them hours all i had was a muller yougurt i was petrified to go to sleep but b.f sent me to bed with tail between my legs :):)

well anyway thought i would share that 1st experience dont want that happening to much i know that for a fact ..

Have a good day all
stef x
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Did you re-check to confirm the result? That was certainly a jump.

What time did you eat your dinner and what did you have? it could have been that the meal was still digesting and you hadn't spiked by the 9.0 reading and were still on the way up.

nice to hear you have a supportive partner
hi sofar

I had baked fish cake and oven chips with vinegar on chips, that was at 6ish,

I did not re-check actually but when i took my reading this morning it was 9.1 .
How long after eating was the 9.0? And where was that relative to the yog?

Fish cake - including potato I assume - plus chips is a lot of starchy carb. If there was a lot of fat in there as well it could have slowed down the carbs significantly. So the peak from the meal could have been later than normal (closer to 90 mins than a normal 60 for example). With pasta of course, you can get the peak even later than that.

Was the muller fat free? As with most products, when they remove the fat, they replace it with carbs. Usually fast carbs and quite often sugars. So anything which is low fat runs the risk of hitting your BG like a hammer. I've known low fat yogs to spike me by 6 points before. If you were high in the first place then its a distinct possibility.

It all comes down to testing more than anything else. If you were to test before the meal, then a 1 hour after reading would tell you the spike of the meal (generally - cos it varies). I aim for under 8 at the one hour. Then 6.5 at the 2 hour.

Not knowing how the main meal affected you and at what time, its hard to guess what kicked you up to that level and for how long.

This is why I advocate Jennifer's advice - which allows you to learn about the effects of a meal so that you know how it will affect you next time. Doing just a 2 hour test tells you very little if you do not know how high you were when you started. It also misses the peak, which may be the cause of damage. I'd rather be at 6.5 after an hour and stay there for a couple of hours rather than hit 12.0 after an hour and 6.0 after 2.

You can also test the effects of something like a yog by doing it at a time well away from any other food.

Now I know this may sound like testing 20 times a day, but you don't have to test every meal. Generally I suggest people start with breakfast for a few days, get that right and move onto lunch. This is partly because getting the start of the day right gives you better results for the rest of the day. Its partly because people listen to their dieticians and eat a meal that is mostly carbs at a time when insulin resistance is at its worst. So people give themselves scary spikes at breakfast.

Anyway, the important thing is to learn from testing so that you know how combinations of foods affect your BG, then make food decisions in future based on that knowledge.

Hope this helps.
Those muller light yoghurts are lethal! Check the label, some have more than 12g of sugar in them, evil little things! ;-) I wouldn't be surprised if that was what did it, its happened to me before, I've learnt my lesson where muller lights are concerned!
yes i shall stay clear of them , the 9.0 was 1 hour after i ate my meal and yes i suppose thinking now they was alot of potato in that meal, i gotta get my **** in gear cause unless i really start learning what has what in it this is going to keep happening
Those muller light yoghurts are lethal! Check the label, some have more than 12g of sugar in them, evil little things! ;-) I wouldn't be surprised if that was what did it, its happened to me before, I've learnt my lesson where muller lights are concerned!

just looked up the ones I usually have between 16-33g. I do enjoy them though :)
lol i do love the banana and vanilla muller light ones
Just remember that some of the carbs included in the carbs total may hit BG faster than the "of which sugars". Only your meter knows for sure ;)
Those muller light yoghurts are lethal! Check the label, some have more than 12g of sugar in them, evil little things! ;-) I wouldn't be surprised if that was what did it, its happened to me before, I've learnt my lesson where muller lights are concerned!

yes i have the same problem with cadbury cream eggs :D!!
well thanks people as usual you were great in helping me out xx

I have just pricked about an hour ago and i was 9.0 (no yougurt for me tonight):D
Hi Steff, we've been away for a few days so just caught up on your recent experiences. You will gradually learn what affects you as an individual the most and when, especially if you use your meter wisely and record results against what you have eaten so you can look at patterns/trends.

Having not been so tight on my eating habits whilst we were away (hotel and restaurant portions) and having an Indian takeaway last night, I'm not surprised that my fasting blood glucose is 8 this morning - I'm actually amazed it isn't higher as, unusually, I had both some naan and some rice last night. Mind you. it is still much higher than I'm comfortable with so I need to get back in the routine now

hi vanessa did you have good time tho?
I would be surprised and pleased if my levels where as low at 8 but at the moment im impressed with even 10 , I will get my head around foods good and bad but for now just getting my sugar levels into single figures is an achievment for me lol
We had a great time - including getting on the first flight capsule at the London Eye on Wednesday before any queues. Ate too much tho but walked miles so hope the effect on the scales is not too bad! Avoiding the dreaded weigh in until tomorrow morning

Have to admit it doesn't seem that long ago when I look back that I would have been very pleased to reach single figure readings - took me about 3 months from diagnosis and both metformin and gliclazide before that happened. I'm still learning what affects me and that there can be days when there is just no apparent explanation why I go higher or lower than normal
yup like me with the yougurt im so wary now i wont even have a joint on a sunday now unless its pork or chicken im worrying to much red meat may cause something
Well meat isnt a problem. Just minimise the spuds, carrots, parsnips and other root veggies. Oh and the yorkies as well of course (flour). Just experiment, use your meter and you'll work out what works for you. It'll probably mean less carbs than you are used to but at least it keeps the BG and cholesterol figures down.
i jus had few tinned carrotts and brocolli with spuds bit of gravy ,i assumed red meat was bad for me dunno why
Red meat is often said to be worse for health than white meat (chicken / turkey) or fish, as it can be higher in saturated fats, but it all depends on the cut, cooking methods and portion size - and for a special meal, it may be best just have what you fancy and enjoy yourself!