Well here i am again

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello All

Been a while i know but have been busy wedding planning and my god is it expensive. Any way back to the diabetes i suppose.

Had an appointment with the dietician the other day what a waste of my time that was. sat there with this blundering idiot for half an hour while she went on about how she had just passed her training and how i was the first proper patient she has had. ok fair enough everyones is new at something at some point so i was expecting this half decent appointment with her telling me the ins and outs as its all still fresh in her mind. but oh how wrong was i. that was it she gave me a leaflet on carb counting and one with some carb contents of food and that was it.

then saw a nurse cs me being the idiot i am stood on a nail at work and she started telling me the new way my DSN has started doing things with me was all wrong and was no good for me. at this point i had enough told her my sugars had come down from late teens to almost single figures. which for me is really good i told her its people like her that try and help without knowing histories of patients that cause confusion.

Thank god i have got that out.

Does any one elsefind they are getting conflicting information all the time????

My partner told me i should have listened to her to which i replied i have had different things from different people for 6 yeas and i have finally found something that work and i a sure as damn it only gonna listen to her.

Also on a lighter note Northerner i have signed up to your blog and think its great.

How is every body else doing its been ages since i been on her

hi Stu nice to see you back posting again , aww things are taking shape with the wedding then ? exciting time for one and all oh and of course as you said expensive , tell you what your so right about conflicting info from diffirent people i got told things off my gp then when i saw the nurse a week later she told me the total opposite i ended up buying a book in the end and that sorted me out ,, anyways all is good here nothing much happening son is healthy weather is brill and money in the bank cant ask for more x
Took me years to pay off the wedding! Good luck with it, it'll be worth it in the end!!

I saw my dietician recently for my follow up appointment, I wasn't going to bother, but I'm glad I did, not sure what I learnt but it was good reassured a few things, I guess they need to know you a bit and you need to be in the mood to listen? The first appoint I was given a leaflet, I really believe that they don't want to overload us, and they take real small steps, give you a leaflet, let you think about it, some people find it very difficult, obviously you're doing great, getting down to single figures, but all I'd say is give her a chance, you might have some need for her next time.

Well done and good luck.
Hi Stuart

At my sons last check up we had to see the dietician and unfortunately she did give me conflicting advice to my dsn! I went with the dsn advice as i felt it was the right choice. :confused:

I felt that the dietician was well educated on diet but not on diet and diabetes. 🙂
Hi Stu, when I was diagnosed I saw a dietician at the hospital who told me all sorts of things that were totally at odds with how I eat now. I saw another dietician at the clinic I attend and she was much more helpful at explaining everything and I have had very good control since without feeling too restricted in my diet. Unfortunately, this game does seem to depend on the individual giving us the advice and there doesn't seem to be a level of quality and advice that they can all agree on!

It sounds to me that you have been doing much better with the way you have been managing things, so you should only take from these meetings the things that you understand and agree are worth pursuing. Hope the numbers get even better, and that you get better advice the next time you go!

Glad you like the blog!:D
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