Welcome to our new moderators

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just in case people missed the announcement at the top of the boards...


Welcome to our new moderators! Whilst I read all posts - and have found I have had to moderate very little - I also work full time and need assistance! I have invited long time members and purveyors of great advise: Sofaraway; Northerner; Kojack; Copepod to become moderators and they all accepted. Hurrah! This means that they too will be keeping an eye out for bad advise, abusive posts and spammers, which to date we have had very little of. If you have concerns over any of these, please private massage admin or a moderator or use the contact form.
It is good to know we have such good moderators. Hope the good behaviour continues from all and you don't need to do too much work.
Here Here well done all
Just leave it to Norhtener and he's sure to come up with something...


From Bev and Alex:D x
This board is great and I love the support I get from total strangers..

Good luck to the moderators Im sure you will keep the board in good shape
Thanks. Will try; this is a great group giving much support.
It's your group and you have developed it just as Admin hoped.
Congratulations to Sofaraway; Northerner; Kojack and Copepod, I'm sure you'll all do a grand job, and I hope you all enjoy the massage!🙂
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