Weirdest thing.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Weirdest thing. Or Stupidest

What the the weirdest thing someone has said to you when they have found out your a diabetic. Try to keep it simple if possible lol.
Eg:What are you supposed to look like/smell like/do/eat/not eat/ random complications we've never heard of etc.

It would be great if we could get enough together for a book or something.

Can be weird OR stupid!
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Great idea 🙂 heres a few of mine!

"But you dont look ill"

"I would be a rubbish diabetic, i couldnt inject myself" Err...well actualy u would have to!!

"But your all sorted out now arent you" (after coming out of hospital)

"I dont know how you do it" Well i sort of have to, to stay alive!

"are you sure your allowed this" GRRR

I also remember one of the nurses in intensive care saying to me that i wont ever be able to eat a cake, biscuit, chocolate bar, sweets etc... ever again! this made me really upset at the time, i think these hospital folk need more educating in the matter...😡
when i was about 12 i went into one of those zen type shops, where my gran told the lady behind the till i was type one.

i then got a half an hour lecture on how if i drank my own wee, i'd be cured. safe to say i left the shop pretty sharpish.
It would probably be "I could never inject myself"
When I say back to them "Well, you either inject or die" they see it a bit differently.
Not particularly weird, but:

At age 10, C was told that at least she'll grow out of it. :confused:

And: Isn't she a bit young to have that? :confused:
"can you catch it?"

"but you don't look ill"

"OH MY GOD, I couldn't inject myself. You're so brave"

"You shouldn't do that in public, its dirty" (re injecting in public *grumble grumble*)
Do you have the type where there is too much sugar or too little (or words to that effect)

I think I should get it - I could do with losing weight - easier than a diet. (Not the exact words but along those lines)
So will you get better?

We must stop buying chocolate at xmas !

Can you still go to the pub
Grandma: Have you got news for me?
Me: Well, actually yes, I found out I've got diabetes
Grandma: Oh, I thought you were going to say you'd got engaged!
I post these in a semi regular basis so excuse me if you've heard them before.
"Don't worry Rachel, it'll be fine, they'll get you sorted out and you'll be like a new woman. You'll feel so much better, this will be the making of you..."
(I'm still waiting....)

"Don't worry, you'll be like...... she can eat what she likes, she just has to keep an eye on things."

"Are you feeling any better yet?" (No, should i be? I was feeling sort of ok, now i have an incurable illness...what exactly is there to feel better about?)

"Don't you think it's funny that the sales reps who promote diabetic meds always bring in the most cakes? It's like they're trying to make us diabetic!"

"My mum's diabetic, but funnily she only refuses to eat what she doesn't like. It's like she's diabetic for convenience."

" But if you're really careful won't it go away?"

Scarily these were all so called health care professionals..

I see pigeon that your grandparents work on a simliar wavelength to mine, assume that you've said what they think you've said.
My grandad's view was slightly more philosophical (he's been diabetic for as long as my mum's known that's 35 years)

"So, diabetes...that's a bit of a blow."
I much prefer his response
"can you catch it?"

"but you don't look ill"

"OH MY GOD, I couldn't inject myself. You're so brave"

"You shouldn't do that in public, its dirty" (re injecting in public *grumble grumble*)

Have had ALL of those!

Also had...... but why test your blood? Surely it's fine as it is! (During a bad hypo attack!)
Have had ALL of those!

Also had...... but why test your blood? Surely it's fine as it is! (During a bad hypo attack!)

try having it about twice a day for 14 years. If you think its boring now just WAIT! lol
Some of the polite things

You don't look diabetic

How long will you have it for

What antibiotics are you on

Does that mean you have to stop eating sweets

How did you manage to catch something like that

Don't sit next to me if it's catching

Can I watch you inject (I don't need to yet)

You'll have to give up work and get registered disabled (I'd love to)
Grandma: Have you got news for me?
Me: Well, actually yes, I found out I've got diabetes
Grandma: Oh, I thought you were going to say you'd got engaged!

My mum keeps asking my grown up son when he is getting married. I think getting engaged and getting married is a grandma thing.
I also remember someone who doesn't have it saying to me,

"Inject me too!" (them)
"It'd kill you" (me)
"Stop being so stupid!" (them)
Seriously, if I give you my insulin, it would kill you" (me)
"Wish I had Diabetes!" (them)
"No, you don't!" (me)
Lolith! :D

'We were going to send you a get well soon card the realised that you probly wont' My best friend @ school when diagnosed.

The same friend now works in a chocolate shop, and she gets diabetics come in and say 'Oh, do you not sell diabetic chocolate? i cant eat normal chocolate'
Her normal responce 'You Can eat normal chocolate, as diabetic chocolate give you the runs!'
:D I taught her well.

Oh and the 'your testing blood? test mine! test mine! Ahh! but dont come near me with the pricker, i dont like needles'
My manager on hearing that people with diabetes get free prescriptions "oh I wish I had diabetes" ummm no you don't!
I also remember someone who doesn't have it saying to me,

"Inject me too!" (them)
"It'd kill you" (me)
"Stop being so stupid!" (them)
Seriously, if I give you my insulin, it would kill you" (me)
"Wish I had Diabetes!" (them)
"No, you don't!" (me)

Funnily enough I had this conversation with my OH last night.
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