Weird transplant trial story from a course

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Forgot to post this but was at a training course (we run) for some erm goverment bods last week and one of the attendees was diabetic.

As he was on metaform and I casually mentioned I was Type 2 too, another colleague piped up that his 'Nan' had the D and was nearly cured due to a trial being run where they transplant a healthy Pancreas in.

When I said how did it go, apparently she improved but then had complications from other bits.

Sounded a bit hard to believe but has there been anything like this touted about research wise recently?

Otheriwse I felt very good when I didnt succumb to the fat cholocate cake and the other chap did😉
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I think pancreas transplants are very rare and would probably only be performed for people whose pancreas was no longer producing insulin and had extremely poor blood sugar control. The pancreas is an extremely difficult organ to transplant because it also produces digestive enzymes which can, in effect, digest surrounding tissue if it leaks during the operation. I think they normally transplant with a kidney also, and afterwards there is the problem with rejection of the organ.
I might be wrong but i thought if you had a pancreas transplant it also meant having a kidney transplant too :confused:
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