Weird Dreams

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When ever i go to sleep with hugh blood sugars, i sleep like a log but i have really vivid and horrible dreams.
Then when i wake up I fell like my head has not stopped all night. I get really bad headache.
They are more nightmares than dreams, and i can not seem to wake up out of them.
I was just wondering if this happenes to any one else?


Funnily enough all the time, i just assumed it was cause of my panic attacks till recently as even if i fall asleep on the sofa during the day, if my bs are high i have awful ones and can't wake myself up and know that i need to wake up but can't pull myself out of it, if you know what i mean, talking gibberish again lol
i have been having really horrible vivid dreams, but never thought it could be to do with my BS level!!
My dreams have been more vivid since diagnosis, but have never thought about how sugar levels affects them before. The last time I had horrible dreams and I mean realy horrible was when I tried cider for the first and last time. I don't drink much any way, so can see why the cider would affect me so much.😱
hi i know exactly what your talking about, if my sugars are really high ( i used to do it deliberatly) i would have a certain dream about looking down on myself sleeping and i would be floating around and then i couldnt see myself but could feel myself floating around my room and i could actually feel the carpet etc. i would try to wake myself up but i couldnt. since my suagrs are properly looked after i havent had the dream at all. i've only just noticed
Night time Hypo's and nightmares

For the past 5 years I was suffering from really bad nightmares early in the morning and they were repetitive, very confusing, basically it was always the same thing ' I would be in the house trying to clean it up and in the nightmare it was an absolute tip, but so messy it was impossible to clean and tidy' sounds stupid I know but I would wake up shouting and my wife could only make out me saying 'dont let it happen, oh no not again' it would distress me to such extreme levels.
These seemed worse whilst on Glargine then I was put on Levemir and things appeared a little bit better.
After a while the nightmares returned, I was placed on a pump 4 months ago and it was discovered I was having bad Hypos about the same time.
These have been resolved and guess what no nightmares.

Have a Good New Year 🙂

I sometimes wake with a headache and when I check my sugar level it is low but why do you go to sleep with high sugar levels and not correct with insulin??

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