Weird BG readings.......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello - 6 weeks in, and thankfully my BG levels have been okay for the last 3 - 4 weeks, although I've only had my own meter for a couple of weeks, before that my neighbour was 'doing' me once a week on hers.

When I tested before lunch, I knew it would probably be a bit higher owing to my 'treat' of some cinnamon/raisin toast and butter (and a kiwi!!) for breakfast. When the result was 9.1 I was a bit shocked, it's not been that high for weeks. However, as I'd fumbled a bit putting the test strip in, got an error message and had to use another strip, I wondered if that might have anything to do with it, so I re-tested and got a reading of 8.3. Seeing as I was on a roll now, I immediately did it again and it was 7.1. I stopped there as I didn't want to waste any more test strips. (although I was tempted to keep going until I hit a number I liked!)

So now I'm a tad confused. Wassat all about then?? :confused:

Hello - 6 weeks in, and thankfully my BG levels have been okay for the last 3 - 4 weeks, although I've only had my own meter for a couple of weeks, before that my neighbour was 'doing' me once a week on hers.

When I tested before lunch, I knew it would probably be a bit higher owing to my 'treat' of some cinnamon/raisin toast and butter (and a kiwi!!) for breakfast. When the result was 9.1 I was a bit shocked, it's not been that high for weeks. However, as I'd fumbled a bit putting the test strip in, got an error message and had to use another strip, I wondered if that might have anything to do with it, so I re-tested and got a reading of 8.3. Seeing as I was on a roll now, I immediately did it again and it was 7.1. I stopped there as I didn't want to waste any more test strips. (although I was tempted to keep going until I hit a number I liked!)

So now I'm a tad confused. Wassat all about then?? :confused:


Hehehe yes Ive done this before >> I have no explanation though !! Also I have tested on one meter and had a reading and got a totally different reading on another >>> a signifigant difference not just abit of one . Diabetes Gremlins I think lol 🙄
limitations of home blood glucose meters

It's all due to the tolerance of the meter and strips you are using - results should be within 1mmol/l in either direction ie all results within 2mmol/l of each other. Home blood glucose meters are only expected to give an approximate result - to get very accurate results, you'd need a machine too large to carry around, that needs an electric cable eg Haemacue as used in (some) GPs surgeries, which uses an individual cuvettes and needs much more blood for each test. Blood glucose monitoring is a balance between convenience (so you actually do the tests) and accuracy.
I think the tolerance is generally around 10% on most new meters, so a '20' could be 2 mmol/l out, and a '4' could be 0.4 mmol/l out. One thing to watch out for if you get a reading that doesn't seem to fit with how you feel is to wash your hands thoroughly in case there was some unseen contamination on the first test. They can go wrong though, so it's useful if you have a spare meter to compare unexpected results on.
RE the washing hand policy, if say you did have some gunk or whatever on your fingers, and didn't wash, can it affect the reading in both directions?? I always thought (no idea why) that it can only raise the reading??
I have actually bit my nail and tested and got a false reading i stupidly didnt wash my hand and the test strip took that blood and not from the prick i made in finger
I have actually bit my nail and tested and got a false reading i stupidly didnt wash my hand and the test strip took that blood and not from the prick i made in finger

That's confused me (it's not hard, lol) - isn't it all the same blood?? :confused:

That's confused me (it's not hard, lol) - isn't it all the same blood?? :confused:


yeah i guess your right just thought id stick my 2 pennith worth in lol, maybe the blood from my bitten nail might of been more oxyginated, if i prick my finger the blood is fresh if i take it from the cut the oxygen got to it

ill shut up now im making no sense lol
yeah i guess your right just thought id stick my 2 pennith worth in lol, maybe the blood from my bitten nail might of been more oxyginated, if i prick my finger the blood is fresh if i take it from the cut the oxygen got to it

ill shut up now im making no sense lol

And maybe diluted a bit with saliva?? Lol, no, really your explanation DOES make sense when you reason it out!!

And as I'm clueless, it all helps!!

And maybe diluted a bit with saliva?? Lol, no, really your explanation DOES make sense when you reason it out!!

And as I'm clueless, it all helps!!


lol yes saliva can be the factor as well , join the clueless club hun :D:D
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