Weighty issues

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone got any top tips for losing weight? I seem to be steadily increasing, yet haven't changed any eating/exercise habits!:(
Hi Casper i was going to suggest talking to cazscot who has recently lost 5 stone but i think she has just gone away for the week this morning so not possible.

I can only suggest do you ever any weight watchers clubs or anything simlier around where you live, or do you do any exercise yourself r.e swimming/walking etc etc.
Myself personally i have set up my garage to resemble my own gym lol, thats consists of a gym ball and an exercise bike both were preety in expensive as well.
Maybe also have a look in the exercise/sport section of the forum.

Good luck
Have a look in the sports and exercise part of the forum.

Work out what you want to do and find something you're going to enjoy. All sports count as exescise as do things like dancing, walking and ice skating. The main thing is it is something you enjoy or it will be more difficult to stick to.

As Steff suggested also think about groups like weight watchers and slimming world as it is easier to do if you have the support and encouragement and you are not going it alone.

if you want to post an up date on your progress, you will get lots of support from us too.
Best tip is to find something you enjoy doing. During the periods I lived in Tyneside, I really enjoyed getting out into Pennines or further afield in hills or coasts of northern England / southern Scotland, for fell walking, nordic skiing and orienteering at varying times of year. Despite its name, NATO http://www.newcastleorienteering.org.uk/ has members and events all over Northumberland. If you're nearer Cumbria or Scotland, then there are other clubs nearby - search function here http://www.britishorienteering.org.uk/findaclub.php Don't worry if you've never orienteered before, as people of all levels of fitness and skill participate - just explain at registration and someone will help you chose an appropriate course and give you some guidance.
Don't think I've got the willpower to succeed at that article 😱

Going to try more walking (can't run for toffee) and dust off the push bike.
Hi Casper.
First I can't believe that I am actually advising someone on diet and exercise!!
I changed my life completely since mid June when I found out I was diabetic.
Taking the positive approach I decided to eat very healthily and basically eat the following:
Breakfast: Porridge with banana

Mid morning - Banana or apple

Lunch. Chicken salad/low fat spread/granary bread
natural yoghurt and strawberries or blueberries or something
Piece of fruit

Spaghetti with broccoli and anchovi
Baked potato with prawn or tuna or salad
Granary toast with low sugar beans
chicken salad with new potatos
Stir fry.

If I am hungry later - 1 wholemeal muffin with low fat spread.
i drink diet coke and gallons of water.

I also went along to my local gym(a must for any weight loss I now say). I explained my situation and they have been so helpful. I have even added aerobic classes to my routine.

Anyway the outcome is I have lost nearly 2 stone since Mid June.

Now i have to say I still have another 6 to lose which maybe why I lost a lot to start with.

If you think about input and output you can't go far wrong.
Put the right things in (Input - not sugars etc) and work it off (output).

Taking the first step was the hardest, but once in the door it will be easy.

I have to say I prefer the gym as strangely it takes my mind off food and when I get home i feel I don't want to undo the good work.

I am now getting comments I never thought I would hear.

Good luck to you Casper and let me know if I can help further.

Thes best bit is


Tomatoes are best in their natural condition, and should be eaten with bread the same as an apple. The daily allowance should not exceed a pound a day.'

My great grandad always had fruit sandwiches, he would just slice an orange and eat it on brown bread 😉 Thats my last memory of him and i love it.

My mum did weightwatchers and lost loads of weight and is in great shape now. I slowly put on weight i think it was the insulin with me but i was underweight so i was glad. xx
I'm on a diet/ exercise regieme at the minute after having had a baby and have lost all my baby weight. I'm now trying to get down to a healthy size by swimming 3 times a week at my local pool and also have just bought a pilates dvd. I would really recommend taking up pilates it looks pretty easy but it is a brilliant workout to do to help loose weight I bought pilates for dummies from amazon for ?3.60. Good luck x
I joined slimming world may last year and followed the green plan and i have lost 6 st.
Thanks for the hints and tips -

lucy - congrats to you, and yes, the meal planner has given me some ideas to reduce my intake

emma - swimming always drastically reduces my sugar level - even just watching the kids at their lessons makes it drop - must be the stuffy heat, so i'd have to stuff my face and reduce insulin to swim safely. Would always worry about levels, as meter/glucose not within easy reach in lockers. Am trying to find a class that's on during the day - but not when i work!🙄

Phoebe - looooooove tomatoes! I have 8 different tomato plants in my greenhouse, so am looking forward to a good range of fruits. Yum!

stute - six stone 😱 well done you! vaguely considering a slimming world or similar group.

Thanks again folks,
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