Weight problems with Ozempic


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Relationship to Diabetes
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I started Ozempic probably getting on for a year ago now, backstory that none of the T2 drugs have worked for me in the past and so I was sceptical of trying this one. I have tried to be open minded to this one and not clouded by my previous experiences, but to be honest I am starting to think I’ve given it enough time and am considering stopping it. My weight has increased since starting it, even though my appetite and food intake has reduced. I know I clearly do still eat too much given I’m gaining weight, but when I compare to others, I still feel my diet isn’t anything extreme. I weighed this morning though and was much higher than I’ve ever been.

I have an appointment in 6 weeks, so I’m not sure whether to just give up on it now, or keep taking it until then and just start tracking my food, exercise, bgs, so that I have some actual data and a more concrete monitoring of my calorie intake. I’m not after dieting advice, I know what usually helps me lose weight, it’s just that I’m either not sticking to it closely enough or that it’s not working any more.

Any thoughts on what to do when drugs that Drs think are really great just don’t seem to work for you?
If you have been on it for nearly a year , and it is not working for you, I your shoes I would call it a day.
If you have been on it for nearly a year , and it is not working for you, I your shoes I would call it a day.
That’s my feeling. Though the other option would be to increase the dose. It does feel like a waste of money taking prescriptions for expensive drugs that seem to have no impact though
I would make one point. You mention Calorie but I would suggest you should focus on Carbohydrate as Calorie isn't a food and doesn't define the foods that will cause the least weight gain.
I would make one point. You mention Calorie but I would suggest you should focus on Carbohydrate as Calorie isn't a food and doesn't define the foods that will cause the least weight gain.

Lucy does not find focussing on carbohydrate helpful, and in fact has found that a low carb approach simply does not work for her.
Tricky when your options are either none or more of the same thing.

Did you find it had a positive effect initially?

Do you think a short period of ‘food diary’ would help? Or have you gone past that stage, and pretty much given up on it?
@Lucyr As you’ve taken it for so long now, it seems sensible to carry on just that little bit longer in order to get some data that you can give to your GP. That kind of emphasises that you’re being objective and could be helpful for you as well as your GP.

It does sound like it’s not working for you and that you’ve given it a fair trial.
Tricky when your options are either none or more of the same thing.

Did you find it had a positive effect initially?

Do you think a short period of ‘food diary’ would help? Or have you gone past that stage, and pretty much given up on it?
I’ve started tracking my food in the what did you eat today thread for a bit more accountability without necessarily counting every calorie, though I have also started calorie counting this weekend for a sense check I hope not to do that forever.

I’ve also started ordering again from a local fruit and veg delivery box, as I find that makes me eat more and different F&V.
@Lucyr As you’ve taken it for so long now, it seems sensible to carry on just that little bit longer in order to get some data that you can give to your GP. That kind of emphasises that you’re being objective and could be helpful for you as well as your GP.

It does sound like it’s not working for you and that you’ve given it a fair trial.
Thanks. I think I’ve decided that 6 weeks of focus on eating well and exercising more is in order, so that as you say I have some actual data where i know I’ve been doing the right things, to review at my appointment. I started that at the weekend so just need to keep it up. Did actually stop gaining and lose something this morning, must have been a bit bloated from a couple weeks holiday.
Sounds like a very sensible and balanced approach Lucy :)