Weight management

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Anyone else out there trying to gain some weight? I’m finding it a struggle at the moment and I have my first 3 month review coming up which is making me feel a little anxious which probably isn’t helping me manage my weight. This is a normal feeling I guess but any advice would be very much appreciated.
As you are just over the diagnostic level you may have overdone reducing carbs without increasing protein and healthy fats. You could include full fat dairy and things like nuts, avocado, eggs, cream in your coffee or on fruit like strawberries or on sugar free jelly. Include some low carb 'extras'. Nature Valley protein nut bars or similar shop own are less than 10g carb per bar and protein yoghurts or Kvarg deserts are low carb.
The problem is most of the dietary advice for people with Type 2 is designed for losing weight.
You may find that if you had a home blood glucose monitor to test how you tolerated your meals you may be able to cope with more carbs than you are having without increasing blood glucose.
What sort of meals are you having?
I think you may well be right about the carbs. I have increased protein but clearly not enough. I also eat healthy fats, eat avocados, pecan, Brazil, Almond and Walnuts on a daily basis. I eat eggs but mainly at the weekend. I also eat Strawberries on a daily basis. I’ll definitely start putting cream in my coffee, eat sugar free jelly and go for the low carb extras.
I do have a BG monitor and I think you are right that I can probably tolerate higher portions of the carbs I am eating.
I tend to have 45g low sugar Granola and 2 Wheetabix for breakfast with 300ml of Almond Milk. I generally eat Salmon or Mackerel with an avocado salad for lunch. I have 150ml of Greek yogurt with raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and mixed natural nuts as a snack. The evening meal is varied. I now eat vegetables with most of my meals but I always have small portions of rice, pasta, potatoes. I have only just started to introduce bread into my diet again and peanut butter. I need to eat more cheese too. I think I might be a little more relaxed once I’ve got my first assessment out of the way. Im conscious that I’m trying to eat a healthy balanced diet which doesn’t just focussed on managing my diabetes. Do you have a view on how many heathy natural nuts I can eat on a daily basis? I’ve increased it to 80g per day (Pecans, Almonds, Brazil & walnuts) I appreciate your reply @Leadinglights. Very helpful as always.
Hi. You seem to be doing the right things and increasing the fats and proteins may help. Bear in mind that with slim T2s the pancreas may be under-producing insulin leading for some to be diagnosed as LADA (late onset T1). This may not be the case for you but if weight loss continues do discuss with the GP. There can be other causes and nothing to do with diabetes so do check in with the GP if needed.
Thanks for your response @DaveB

I actually started my health kick before I was diagnosed with T2. I was close to 14 stone at the start of last year. I had my NHS health check in July and my BMI was recorded as 25.9. I started to drop weight as a direct result of a change in my diet. I modified my diet further in December when I was formally diagnosed. In total I have lost 10kg and my BMI is currently 22.7 I'm watching it closely now and hoping to put a few pounds on in the next week or two so will continue to keep an eye on things but if I compare my diet to what it was previously that would certainly explain the weight loss and I think I may have reduced my carb intake a little too much.
You certainly do seem to be doing all the right things. As you have a monitor then doing some strategic testing, before you eat and 2hours after and see what your blood glucose is. People tend to look for an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l or no more than 8-8.5mmol/ post meal. If you are finding it less than than then try a bit more carb in your meal and see what happens then.
Some people find cereals even low sugar ones in the morning can be a problem as they can be more insulin resistant and something high carb then can increase blood glucose too much so they start the day at a higher level than they really want.
I tend to have either full fat Greek yoghurt with berries and about 15g of a low sugar granola or eggs in various forms with mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, smoked salmon and 1 slice toast.
Thanks @Leadinglights The last time I carried out a test on my usual work day cereal breakfast was on Monday. My fasting level was 5.3 at 07:38 and 6.3 at 09:51. That would suggest my body is coping well with that particular meal.

I was going to wait until after my first assessment which is just over 2 weeks before I started to increase my carb intake during other meals but I've already started now so we will see what happens over the next week or so.
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