Weight loss

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi,I have type 2 diabetes for over eight years . I have suddenly lost 1stone in weight over the last three weeks. Would like any suggestions as my diet as not changed or my life style .
Welcome to the forum, that must be worrying for you. Often rapid weight loss accompanied with high blood glucose level can point to Type 1 diabetes. I know you have been diagnosed as type 2 but some are misdiagnosed and may actually be Type 1 or LADA, which is a slower developing Type 1.
You should call your doctor asap but, in the meantime, if you feel unwell then call 111.
Do you have a monitor so you can check your glucose level and any ketone urine test strips as ketone and high blood glucose as well as the weight loss is a red flag.
Hi , no I have no way of monitoring my levels . I have always been able to manage my diabetes well but over the last couple of weeks I noticed my weight reduction , weighing myself twice in the last three weeks, which showed the rapid weight loss . I will call my doctors tomorrow hopefully be sorted . Very tired today .
Hi and welcome.

I take it that this is unintentional weight loss? Can you afford to lose much/any more?
Do you have a Blood Glucose (BG) meter to test your blood at home via a finger prick?
When was your last review at your GP surgery? If recently was there an increase in the result?

Unintentional weight loss can be an indication of Type 1 diabetes, so it is possible that you may have been misdiagnosed 8 years ago and you actually have a slow onset Type 1 diabetes (sometimes referred to as LADA or Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults) which often looks like Type 2 to start with and may even respond to Type 2 medication and will certainly respond to lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) initially but sometimes a trigger later will result in your body reaching crisi point and no longer being able to cope. The trigger could be an infection or even a vaccination or stress or even severe shock or trauma..... basically something which triggers your immune system into heightened activity and causes it to attack your insulin producing beta cells in your pancreas and kill a few more of them off. When you reach the point that you are unable to produce enough insulin, your BG levels will rise quite dramatically and your body will start to break down your fat and even muscle stores for energy because it is unable to utilise the glucose in your blood. You may also start to feel very thristy and wee more as your kidney's start to remove the surplus glucose in your blood and the extra glucose in your urine may leave you prone to yeast infection like thrush, so some people experience genital itching and also athlete's foot. Blurry vision can also be a problem if BG levels suddenly rise as the shape of the lenses in your eyes changes with the higher sugar levels in your body.
If you are able to test your BG levels and are seeing high levels then this would confirm the weight loss problem is associated with your diabetes but regardless you need to make an appointment with your GP asap to get it checked out.
Hi my hb was 52 in July, my last check up . Everything was fine . About 5weeks ago I had a chest infection and have just had my feet and eye test , no result from eyes but need to go back again for feet as I have lost some feeling in parts of my feet .
Weight loss can be caused by many things, most unconnected to diabetes. Best to speak with your doctor.
Eddy Edson is quite right - see your doctor and get some tests done!
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