Weight Loss Surgery!


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Half an hour ago there was a thread about weight loss surgery that was then deleted. This was my reply.

A friend had been obese most of their life. A decade or so they became morbidly obese. Despite joint issues (three surgeries), raised cholesterol and pre-diabetes they claimed no diet worked.

At the start of this year they had two heart attacks. This was the wake up call! They have totally changed their diet. Out the door takeaways, crisps, chocolate, highly processed food. In low carb, protein and plenty of veg (fruit needs care because of the fructose content). They are now steadily loosing weight! A friend of theirs had weight loss surgery but continued eating eating concentrated carbs, etc. and lost very little weight. They died a few years ago. A change of mindset is needed more than surgery!
Half an hour ago there was a thread about weight loss surgery that was then deleted. This was my reply.

A friend had been obese most of their life. A decade or so they became morbidly obese. Despite joint issues (three surgeries), raised cholesterol and pre-diabetes they claimed no diet worked.

At the start of this year they had two heart attacks. This was the wake up call! They have totally changed their diet. Out the door takeaways, crisps, chocolate, highly processed food. In low carb, protein and plenty of veg (fruit needs care because of the fructose content). They are now steadily loosing weight! A friend of theirs had weight loss surgery but continued eating eating concentrated carbs, etc. and lost very little weight. They died a few years ago. A change of mindset is needed more than surgery!
I did wonder if it was a scam but tried to reply but it wouldn't post.
I think the other post may have been spam Mikey but interesting to read your response if very sad for the friend who had the surgery but didn't change their diet. Part of the problem is that there is huge temptation. The shops are full of cheap, quick and easy carb rich, processed foods which have been developed to be addictive plus we are bombarded by advertising for such foods. I really had no idea how pervasive it is until you actively start to resist it, as I did 5 years ago. It was really tough because wherever you looked it was there in your face, on TV, on the radio, in the shopping centres, even on bill boards that I previously had not consciously noticed at all but once I was trying really hard to resist, this stuff was just jumping out at me. Thankfully I am much less aware of it now that I focus on what I can buy and eat and enjoy that keeps me on the straight and narrow with my low carb diet, but the first few weeks were incredibly tough, so it isn't surprising that so many people fail to change their diet!
Isn't it sad how often we try to fix the physical problem and when we fail we assume it's bad.
However, if we see and treat the mental issue, we may be more successful.
No diet worked because mentally your friend was unable to deal with it.
i can confirm the post was deleted as spam. It originated from an obscure part of the world and contained links it would have been unwise to follow. For me the topic merits discussion but it is a topic which attracts unwanted contributions. The mods deal with most of those without the forum realising, but appreciate reports about any that get through.