Weight loss stalled for 3 days been on diet for 8 days, lost 2 lbs (USA) each day for 5 days now no loss 200 cal protein 35 cal veggies per drink

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Learning how to use this forum,
Don’t know if weight stall is normal
Suger has stayed below 130 now for the 7 days
Taking no insulin since I began
Welcome @frustrated 🙂 You’re using the forum fine🙂 I think a fair bit of the initial weight loss is water, so that could be why your weight loss has temporarily paused.

Can you give a few more details about your diet regime, eg how many drinks per day are you having? What meds are/were you on? What’s your blood sugar?
2lb per day is huge, but otherwise weight loss stalls or plateaus are normal.

Some energy is stored in the liver and in muscle tissue in the form of glycogen - the form in which the body stores glucose. When losing weight glycogen reserves are burned up fast and early. Glycogen always has water stored along with it and so glycogen stores are quite heavy. Burning up glycogen leads to rapid weight loss but once reserves are depleted the rate of weight loss will slow down.

With glycogen out of the picture you will likely still see stalls/plateaus and possibly even short-term weight gain depending on how much water you drink and what you're eating. Stored body water is heavy. In my own experience 'body water' has an awful lot to do with what's going on in my bowels. Rapid weight loss slows the rate of digestion, which means more food in the bowels for longer periods of time, which means more 'stored body water'. My own pattern of weight loss is that my weight stays steady for days or even rises slowly, then every 4 to 7 days I'll seem to lose as much as 1 to 2 Kg (roughly 2 to 4 lb) seemingly overnight. This was puzzling until I started paying more attention to what was going on with my 'stored body water'.

My advice would be to drink plenty of water to help keep things moving and ignore changes in weight from day to day. The change from week to week is a better measure, perhaps by weighing yourself first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, on the same day of each week. I actually do weigh myself daily but I average the numbers over the week and compare the weekly average weight from week to week to gauge my rate of weight loss. I find the difference in weight from day to day is not a meaningful way to measure how much fat I'm burning off. I'm fairly certain that a 10 minute visit to the bathroom does not burn vastly more fat than a week of dieting and exercise 😉
I agree with what @PerSpinasAdAstra said. When I was successfully losing weight I weighed myself daily but I didn't worry about plateaus and increases so long as the general direction was downwards week on week.

2lbs per day is probably not sustainable. Over the two years before I got to my target weight I lost around 1lb per week overall.

I also found that along with understanding your diet, regular exercise ( if you are able) is key.
2lbs per day is probably not sustainable. Over the two years before I got to my target weight I lost around 1lb per week overall.

I also found that along with understanding your diet, regular exercise ( if you are able) is key.
Totally agree, also I strongly suspect 2lb a day will not be healthy in the longer term. General information seems to be that up to 2lb a week is considered better for longer term heath.

I may lose 1lb every 2-4 days, then plateau for about 6 days before another 1lb drops off. As Andy says, what matters is a general downwards direction

This link has info regarding weight loss and metabolism https://www.sciencealert.com/fast-or-slow-expert-reveals-the-best-strategy-for-weight-loss
I suspect based on the title of the thread that the original poster is on some variant of the Newcastle Diet - a very low calorie diet comprising shakes and salad veggies. Info here: Newcastle Diet Booklet

Very rapid weight loss is to be expected on the diet and exercise is not recommended while on the diet as it may increase hunger and lead to compensatory eating. According to Prof. Roy Taylor the diet will not lead to lasting health effects compared to slower weight loss on a more conventional diet. He doesn't believe much of what is said about the potential ills of very rapid weight loss. The booklet does have a list of potential short-term side effects though.
Welcome @frustrated 🙂 You’re using the forum fine🙂 I think a fair bit of the initial weight loss is water, so that could be why your weight loss has temporarily paused.

Can you give a few more details about your diet regime, eg how many drinks per day are you having? What meds are/were you on? What’s your blood sugar?
I am using Huel Black complete nutrition one scoop which is 200 cals, I’ve added a tiny bit more pure protein to make protein content higher, I’ve added to each meal 35 cal of mixed veggies for a total cal per day of just under 800 cal. Have not felt hungry at all. My sugars have dropped to normal range with an average at around 105 for the last 9 days , I’m using a Libra 2 monitor, I’m using no insulin whatever and have stopped all Type 2 meds
As mentioned before weight loss seems to stall a bit but reading the answer to my first post helps with understanding. Before starting the diet I was at 235 lbs , 6 feet tall large bones
Before starting Newcastle I had lost 20 lbs from Jan 6th to the starting of this which was 2and 3/4 months
I seem to experience double vision a lot when I stand but don’t think that is connected to the diet
I’m stunned with my sugar readings as before if I hate a normal meal my sugar would jump to the mid 200 after reading the answers I got on here I now understand the weight stall issue
My 19 year old body weight was 175 lbs and if I lose the 33 over the 8 weeks I’ll be down to that weight, so far I’ve had no issues with hunger
Totally agree, also I strongly suspect 2lb a day will not be healthy in the longer term. General information seems to be that up to 2lb a week is considered better for longer term heath.

I may lose 1lb every 2-4 days, then plateau for about 6 days before another 1lb drops off. As Andy says, what matters is a general downwards direction

This link has info regarding weight loss and metabolism https://www.sciencealert.com/fast-or-slow-expert-reveals-the-best-strategy-for-weight-loss
Thank you
Welcome @frustrated 🙂 You’re using the forum fine🙂 I think a fair bit of the initial weight loss is water, so that could be why your weight loss has temporarily paused.

Can you give a few more details about your diet regime, eg how many drinks per day are you having? What meds are/were you on? What’s your blood sugar?
Thank you
The problem with your eyes could be because your blood glucose has dropped quite quickly so the environment in the eye changes from 'sugary' back to more normal salty which alters the shape of the eye and therefore the focal length so vision can be out of focus. As I found my eyes felt as if they were in different heads.
However it would be wise to get it checked by an optician just in case. Many find their eyes settle in a few weeks or so. You should tell the optician that you are diabetic and have changed diet.
Welcome @frustrated 🙂 You’re using the forum fine🙂 I think a fair bit of the initial weight loss is water, so that could be why your weight loss has temporarily paused.

Can you give a few more details about your diet regime, eg how many drinks per day are you having? What meds are/were you on? What’s your blood sugar?
Was using insulin pens humalog kwikpen 100,Toujeo max, soliqua 100/33 and jardiance, stopped them all since starting diet and suger has dropped to normal , right after my morning drink my sugar jumps to around 140 but soon goes back down, my MD says that is normal
Thank you

The problem with your eyes could be because your blood glucose has dropped quite quickly so the environment in the eye changes from 'sugary' back to more normal salty which alters the shape of the eye and therefore the focal length so vision can be out of focus. As I found my eyes felt as if they were in different heads.
However it would be wise to get it checked by an optician just in case. Many find their eyes settle in a few weeks or so. You should tell the optician that you are diabetic and have changed diet.
Thank you I’ve been very concerned I have an appointment this Friday with an optometrist
And hoping your explanation is correct for me


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I’ve added these pics of my sugar readings since on the diet
The one that is high was the day before starting and was similar to my readings for the month before starting, the others are various days after starting
Was using insulin pens humalog kwikpen 100,Toujeo max, soliqua 100/33 and jardiance, stopped them all since starting diet and suger has dropped to normal
That seems such a strange combination of insulins you were using, because toujeo max is a concentrated type of long acting insulin, and soliqua 100/33 is a combination of insulin glargine (long acting insulin) and lyxumia. You wouldn’t normally take two seperate long acting insulins at the same time.
That seems such a strange combination of insulins you were using, because toujeo max is a concentrated type of long acting insulin, and soliqua 100/33 is a combination of insulin glargine (long acting insulin) and lyxumia. You wouldn’t normally take two seperate long acting insulins at the same time.
My Diabetes MD prescribed them both, even his assistant mentioned what you have stated, but I have found American Doctors don’t mention Dr Taylor, I found it on my own from my daughter
I was taking long term 60 units in the morning fast acting before meals and long term just before bed
I had two nights of very low sugar while in hawaii
Suger got to 55 I would eat a tootsie roll pop it would go back up then 2 hours later they hit 55 again , each time having the tootsie pops) next morning I was very very lightheaded and of balance, my DR on the phone ( I live in Utah) said he thought to much long term was stored in my fatty deposits and was being released, when I got home I stopped most of my insulin unless my sugar got over 200, then one month later found Dr Taylor’s book, I’m still light headed and off balance
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