Weight loss issues?


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been a diabetic for 34 years initially with type 1 diabetes. I have then been told I have brittle diabetes so the health professionals are at a loss with what to suggest as my diabetes tends to act like a temperamental teenager. I have had back problems in the past and had taken pain killers which made me gain weight. With the state my diabetes is effectively topsy-turvy and not fully controlled I'm finding it hard to lose weight. Each time I do exercises walking etc I have to end up burning calories off and then later during the day put it back on by lucozade due to hypos. Is there any type of medication I can take to help me to either lose weight or attempt to stop having hypos? The hypo issue is constant as I tend to go low basically everyday often for no reason at all as I'd be sitting down one minute with blood sugar of roughly 12 and then 30 minutes later it is 2.5. I know I can, and should lose weight but don't necessarily want to do the exercises which have proven to need lucozade afterwards.
What exercises have you tried?
Pump would help, certainly with amount of hypos due to exercise. With insulin pump you can turn down or stop basal delivery, found this to great feature when spending days out & about & involving lots of exercise.

As for weight, need to eat less calories than you burn, so calorie reduced diet will help, had to do this myself earlier in year.
What exercises have you tried?
I went to the gym did about an hours workout. 40 minutes in cardio work as instructors advised and 20 minutes on the machines. I planned it so blood sugar was about 17 before I went to the gym but after the cardio workout which wasn't too strenuous blood sugar would always be down to 2 by then. Spoke to diabetes nurse about what was going on and how my brittle diabetes wasn't helping me do any effective gym work as I would always need to have lucozade during my workout and then again later afternoon. At home I have a mini exercise bike so do about an hour on that every few days, go walking almost every day for about an hour and have a cross trainer which isn't used due to family guests needing the room it's in.