Weight loss group for sharing tips

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Cool Cat

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good Evening
Can anyone help me please?
Is there a group that share weight loss tips etc?
I started my diet/new lifestyle on 29th January 2024 and have lost 22lbs in 10 weeks. No need to congratulate me I feel smug enough!
It seems to be a joint effort between walking and better eating. I was walking about 4 miles each evening which stops ones BG getting out of hand. I have walked about 350 miles which I think should count for 10lbs. I am changing walking for gardening now the weather has improved.
My diet is Lidl Creamy Yoghurt and berries plus nuts (Pecan/Brazil/walnut and chia seeds)
Lunch is salad with feta cheese, olives, olive oil, egg, spinach (lasts better in fridge) etc.
Dinner is lots of veg plus fish usually. No alcohol except for a weeks holiday where I drank 30 pints of lager/beer!
Snacks about 8pm used to be a chocolate digestive but now rich tea (boring) biscuits.

I want to lose another 11lbs then maintain that weight somehow. I would like some alcohol and a little bread but happy to forego potato, pasta and rice. While I was fatter pre-diet I think I have been using food as an entertainment/treat. The glass of white wine with my dinner was nice while drinking it but puts the weight on and is sugary.

My waist has shrunk a lot and I need to by new belts. I am down 3 holes around the waist and I think I would be more comfortable with holes closer together. I am forever hoisting my trousers up but thats a good thing. I am feeling much healthier and have more energy so this seems the way to go. I don't want to go back to being the guy in the pub with his belly pushed over his belt - not a good look!
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