Weight loss and Victoza

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Chris Reynolds

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was prescribed Victoza 2 1/2 months ago. Previously I was on foreign but that didn't seem to lower my blood sugars so my GP changed me over. I have to show a drop in both HBA1C and weight in the first 6vmonths.
Victoza has had a great effect on my sugars. On forxega my morning blood sugars were on average 11.5-12.5 but on Victoza they are now 7.0-8.0.
However, the injection has had little effect on my weight. I suspect this is because my body accepted the injection from the start and I didn't have any of the well publicised side effects. I am on a reduced carb diet and don't know what else I can do to meet the weight loss requirement. Does anyone have any ideas please?
Hi Chris I too am on Victoza, along with lots of other things.

In the last 8 months I have lost over 6 stone, still a lot to go. I attend slimming world classes.

My last HbA1c (Dec '16) was down to 5.8% from 11.8% last May.

Stick with it - good luck to you
I was prescribed Victoza 2 1/2 months ago. Previously I was on foreign but that didn't seem to lower my blood sugars so my GP changed me over. I have to show a drop in both HBA1C and weight in the first 6vmonths.
Victoza has had a great effect on my sugars. On forxega my morning blood sugars were on average 11.5-12.5 but on Victoza they are now 7.0-8.0.
However, the injection has had little effect on my weight. I suspect this is because my body accepted the injection from the start and I didn't have any of the well publicised side effects. I am on a reduced carb diet and don't know what else I can do to meet the weight loss requirement. Does anyone have any ideas please?
I was on Victoza and after the first 2 weeks (in which I felt REALLY ILL) I did lose about 3 stone mainly due to loss of appitite. I did get used to it and my BG did go down but after 2 years on Victoza I was taken off it to go on insulin injections. I was later told that 2 years is the max that anyone should be on Victoza.
Neil thank you that - will mention to consultant in Alpril as I have been on it now for 3 years - but really only settled down to a weight loss regime in May last year, still a long way to go yet.
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