weight loss advice


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i would like any advice on losing weight I have diabetes underactive thyroid and artalfibulation
i would like any advice on losing weight I have diabetes underactive thyroid and artalfibulation
Hello @jane-mc ,

What was your HbA1c?

It may be helpful to start reducing some of your carbs such as breads, potatoes, and rice. It may be best to have a chat with your GP first before you make any drastic changes.
I have an underactive thyroid as well as T2 ( T2,diagnosed last November). I've found, cutting my carbs have really helped with weight loss (22lbs, lost since Boxing Day) as well as general wellbeing.. Going on my pre-dinner and after dinner finger prick test, it's also helping with lowering my blood glucose.