Weight losd

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David Forfar

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have recent had sukkarto doubled from 1000
A day to 2000 and wanted to ask is it normal to loose a pound or two in weight with doubling tablet or is it that im
Excercising more I’ve gone down about 3 pounds in the last couple of minths
Hi. Do you have plenty of weight to lose or are you worried that you are losing weight? 3lbs in a couple of months seems a very small amount unless you are already underweight? Metformin (Sukkarto) does also act as an appetite suppressant for some people so it may be that you are not eating quite so much because of it. I suppose you could also lose weight if it caused you digestive upset, particularly severe diarrhoea. Are you having problems with that side of things?

I am guessing the Sukkarto dose was increased because your diabetes is not being managed as well as they would like and your numbers are rising. What, if any, steps have you taken to change your diet and perhaps increase your activity levels? Those changes can have a much bigger impact than the tablets both on weight loss and Blood Glucose levels?
Hi no problem with the runs I have been going to gym a lot and have had a lot of worried as my son is leaving home.
My diabetes was 52 went to 56 that why the increase.
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