Weight...It takes time..don't knock yourself

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1



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WOW the difference in the photos is amazing. I'm on this path at the moment, slowly slowly trying to change my whole lifestyle. I need to put some exercise in there and need to lose quite a few stone. I don't have diabetes, its my daugther who does but you would like I would know better and try and protect myself as much as I can from type 2, I am a typical prime candidate. I'm getting there though.

I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with your levels though. Are your team very helpful at all?

Take care🙂
Hi Shapwaa, well done on making those lifestyle changes and managing to keep the weight off, you look in great shape 🙂

Sorry to hear about the levels not behaving! Do you test much to find out how different food affects you? How is your HbA1c?
Hi Sharpwaa

Wow! You really did make a difference! Well done you! But so sorry about the complications. You do seem to be stuck in a cycle. Do you get enough support from your team? Are they helping you try to break this cycle somehow?

I hope things improve for you over time.

Your posts are honest and open and i like your sense of humour. Hope you don't get into too much trouble with your OH re your last post! Hehe! 🙂
hi sharpwaa
great photos ...also to ditto all the others i love your posts aswelll they have certainly helped me over the last 2 weeks...I am a DDD doley,depressed and diabetic...but having more fun now i know I am not the only one! I am intrigued by the link with depression as mine is because the sertonin leaves my body too fast...hormone inbalance which + stress from crap employers have seen me in and out of work for years...now I have finally been diagnoised type 2 its all making alot more sense. I was first tested when i was 16..then 30 when pregnant and now at 45 they've sussed it out...and I dont think Im going mad anymore!
hi sharpwaa
great photos ...also to ditto all the others i love your posts aswelll they have certainly helped me over the last 2 weeks...I am a DDD doley,depressed and diabetic...but having more fun now i know I am not the only one! I am intrigued by the link with depression as mine is because the sertonin leaves my body too fast...hormone inbalance which + stress from crap employers have seen me in and out of work for years...now I have finally been diagnoised type 2 its all making alot more sense. I was first tested when i was 16..then 30 when pregnant and now at 45 they've sussed it out...and I dont think Im going mad anymore!

PS Im not a doley anymore as my entitlement has just run out, I am now one of the million unoffically unemployed..!
Yes I can totally relate to the problems youve been having. Earlier on in the year I was very very down and my diabetes was effected badly. I had higher levels and ive has slightly high blood pressure since then :( It's a vicious circle because when you are depressed you dont feel like doing much, therefore high BS and higher BP which turns into tiredness and feeling even more down!

Being on here definitely helped me though and i'm feeling alot better! My sugar levels are better, but last time I checked my BP was still a bit high grr!
great piccies sharpaa and very good of you to post your personal experience with weight well done on the loss x good work
Sharpwaaa, I always look forward to your posts, love your attitude and SOH. Well done on the weight loss (the only part of your post that I can actually relate to) and sorry about the complications etc, hope you manage to stay as positive as you can.

I know it's probably annoying when we whinge on about the weight not coming off quickly enough - for me personally it's so disappointing to suddenly cut out ALL the goodies that I used to stuff myself with - in ridiculous amounts, I now see 😱 - and stick with a much more healthy diet, only to see on the scales that the pounds which should be dropping off are still there. To have made such drastic changes and get a result of a couple of pounds off in a month is VERY disappointing.

However, what you say is right, it's the long term effects of a healthy diet which are important, not the instant gratification of weightloss. (but it's instant results which are the bright shiny bauble that I, personallly, am always reaching for!!)

Conventional wisdom has it that the slower you lose weight the less likely you are to put it back on again. I hope that's true because I suspect it's going to be a slow business for me.
Hi AM64, I feel a real affinity with you, we seem to share the same sort of problems outside this illness and joined this forum on the same day. This might sound pompous and inverse snobbery but my inherited work ethic is that of 'coal face' get dirty and no matter what, 'You must provide!'. It has literally taken years to accept that this is no longer the case and I suspect you are in the throes of this too! A little bit maybe? You see, please try to envisage that the most important thing you have to offer is yourself. You have to now PUT YOURSELF FIRST!! DIABETES WILL NOT GO AWAY!! I was alway's considering others first before myself, just as yourself. It's in our nature to do so. Not the case now, if they want or need us, we now come with diabetes, a condition which we must pay attention to, BEFORE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS!! Forgetting medication is unacceptable, eating later than is healthy and the wrong things is unacceptable. Don't be shy! Lay down the law! It's your body! It's your life!! Time to get selfish

Huge (((hugs)))

Ahhh thanks sharpwaa thats so nice of you XXXXXXX🙂 and you are totally right !!!
God Bless you SO much Helen!!🙂

I am honestly humbled now, having read your entirely supportive and selfless posts and responsive advice to those other frightened people joining this forum,(just like myself, we wouldn't be on this site if we were able to non-chalantly cope with this disease and it's ramifications without support) making you a recently diagnosed, yet extremely empathic and wisely supportive individual. 🙂

DITTO Helen from me I love your posts!XXX🙂
God Bless you SO much Helen!!🙂

I am honestly humbled now, having read your entirely supportive and selfless posts and responsive advice to those other frightened people joining this forum,(just like myself, we wouldn't be on this site if we were able to non-chalantly cope with this disease and it's ramifications without support) making you a recently diagnosed, yet extremely empathic and wisely supportive individual. 🙂

DITTO Helen from me I love your posts!XXX🙂

Get OUTTA here!! I've gone all red now, I'm just a newbie with not much to offer yet, but hopefully one day I'll be able to hand out advice in the way the 'old hands' on here do, but until then, I feel 'unworthy' !!

But thanks, guys, it's always lovely to receive praise. 😱

I am just a newbie too I joined 21st sept same time as sharpwaa...and am astounded by theamount of knowlegde this forum shares about diabetes..
but its not just the D there is advice on, its all the other help and support from broken ovens to huge messages of hugs on the down days! I am feeling much more possitive about my condition...and even more determined to keep it all in check !
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story.
You're an inspiration.
my weight is my one big downfall in my diabetic control,every 6 month i get a review and its always the same old thing, every things ok but your weight,
Ive never been one to exercise, do a bit of walking not far just a couple of miles but thats about it ,wish i could motivate myself into doing more ,
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