weight gain

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
shock horror Im 12 stone,just wieghed my self gone up 10 pounds in 2 weeks
I was always chubby so when I was diagnosed with type 1 at 10 stone 1 pound I had lost 5 stone over the last few months Ive held oit at 11 5
I am very upset as I have always coped with this as I was not fat.help I am thinking of stopping my insulin and losing a bit as I did before
God I hate this thing its a curse
Oh Colin, I feel for you so much. I very much understand your upset re the weight gain BUT please,please do not stop taking your insulin as a way to lose weight. High sugars for long periods could bring about health problems that are worse to live with than extra weight. :(

Please talk to your dsn or doctor or dietician for diet advice. Maybe a low carb (so low insulin required) diet would be an idea? But i am not qualified to advise this for certain. Perhpas others will advise you with that.

I sympathise completely with your frustrations. I hope the responses you get on this thread will help you and give you strength.

Please keep us updated with your progress.

Mand 🙂🙂
Hi Colin
What's happened in the same 2 weeks as you gained 10lbs in weight? Any changes in food / diet / work type / work place / activity / sport / holiday etc? Could be lots of reasons, but whatever, I don't think I'm overstepping the mark to say DON'T STOP TAKING YOUR INSULIN.
Anyway, hope you're enjoying being out in the sunshine - I'd be out on the coast at South Shields or Tynemouth, if I was nearer you.
Hi Colin ....

I so feel your frustrations on this ... Nathan (my son) who is also type 1 has always been on the chunkier side .. and since being diagnosed and put on insulin he has put a little bit of weight on ... unfortunately this is one of the side effects of insulin treatment ....

But please do not stop taking your insulin .... sorry hun ... but it will make you so ill and play with your overall long term health and risk complications .

Instead please talk to either your DSN or Consultant about how you are feeling they may be able to offer an alternative approach ie ... cutting down on carbs , altering insulin dosages ... and ever refer you to the dietician for further advice and help.

Before you were diagnosed I presume you had lost a lage amount of weight as part of the undiagnosed condition ... and maybe now you are diagnosed some of the weight you lost is being put back on ...I know this happened with Nathan ...

Take care

shock horror Im 12 stone,just wieghed my self gone up 10 pounds in 2 weeks
I was always chubby so when I was diagnosed with type 1 at 10 stone 1 pound I had lost 5 stone over the last few months Ive held oit at 11 5
I am very upset as I have always coped with this as I was not fat.help I am thinking of stopping my insulin and losing a bit as I did before
God I hate this thing its a curse

Hi Colin , I can sympathise with you over gaining a little weight since going on Insulin . You said you'd lost 5 stone prior to diagnosis , that was due to Ketones /Ketosis and not a healthy weight loss programme ?
STOPPING YOUR INSULIN IS NOT THE ANSWER ! infact it is dangerous 😱
I really do hope that no younger Diabetics see this and think it is a quick fix to weight loss 😱 I gained some weight when I first went on Insulin, but have lost it again due to a healthy diet and exersise.
I appologise if I sound harsh but if younger members think that they can lose weight that way it could be extremely dangerous .
I do hope that you start to feel more possitive about things soon , a little extra weight is nothing compared to a lifetime of complications 😱
When I first saw the doc he said to me that being diabetic I was prone to gaining weight easier so I must make sure I am active. If anything I am a bit more active but not really, but I am loosing weight, have never been big, but am just wondering why it is supposed to be so easy to gain weight? Probably a stupid Q again but hey ho!

On aside I would agree with the others do not stop taking your insulin.

Find other ways to keep the weight from piling on.
Hi All

Sorry to post on this thread again ... But I must second what AM has ....


To any teenagers or adults thinking of such actions please bear what I am about to say in mind ..

I have a friend who is also type 1 and has been for 37 years ... she too thought this would be a good idea for rapid weight loss ... the result of which left her having a stroke and learning to walk again and having to be toilet trained at 17 ... 😡

Also a teenage boy I know did exactly the same ... put himself in a coma for several days ... suffered irrepairable kidney damage ... and needing dialysis and a transplant in the future ... 😡

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Hi Colin, I can only reiterate what the others have said: stopping insulin will only be a very dangerous thing to do. I do appreciate how you feel. A few years back I was nearly 12 stone and I'm normally very light. Then I began losing weight until I went down to 9.5 stone. Then I got ill,went right down to 8st 4 and was diagnosed Type 1. At Christmas I went up to 8st 10 and have gradually been climbing ever since. I'm now 11st 3 - so 2.5 stone heavier than Christmas and back to what I used to be 3 years ago..

What you need to do is monitor your weight and consider your diet. If you're taking insulin, you might think 'oh, I can cover any carbs with insulin', which is true, but it may be that you end up taking in too many calories for your activity levels. You might need to have a word with a dietician who will be able to advise whether you are a healthy weight (even if you are heavier than you had become 'used to'), and take it from there.

You need insulin or you will get DKA, which is life-threatening - don't risk it, explore what is happening and adjust where necessary. Do please let us know how things go so we can help with advice and support and take care.🙂
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Hi Colin, I sympathise, it is a pain putting on the weight, and as someone else has said, there could be a number of reasons. See your doctor or practice nurse and see if you can get on a DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal eating ) course. Many people here have been on them and have been helped.
Yes, please do not stop taking insulin! Can you remember how rough you felt before being diagnosed? I certainly wouldn't want to go back to being constantly thirsty, lethargic, and having a horrible taste all the time. Plus as others have said, it can cause horrible long term complications if you don't take enough.

Talk it through with your diabetes team, and see if there's a better type of insulin for you. I was initially on Insulatard twice a day, which caused me to gain weight as I had to snack so much, but when I changed to MDI I actually managed to lose some weight by being able to reduce insulin when I was exercising. Explain to your team how the weight gain is making you feel, and ask for their advice - don't take things into your own hands regarding medication.
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