Weight Gain

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Ive had some weight gain since being diagnosed a year ago, and my nurse seems to think its to do with the insulin encouraging this. has anybody else had experience of this?
I feel as if im eating as healthy as i ever had done and have a decent exercise regime.
is the nurse right? or should i be doing something else to keep the weight off? I dont wanna cut any more food out as ill starve! lol

Thanks in advance,

Not on insulin, but from what others have said, this is a fact.

Talk to your nurse or doctor and ask to see a dietician, and read through the threads here. There are many people who carb count and have some sucess with healthy eating and weight loss.
Not on insulin, but from what others have said, this is a fact.

Talk to your nurse or doctor and ask to see a dietician, and read through the threads here. There are many people who carb count and have some sucess with healthy eating and weight loss.
Thanks Caroline, i am due to see my nurse again in a month, and also i have applied for the DAFNE course which hopefully is going ahead in September so this might also help me! 🙂
Hi all,

Ive had some weight gain since being diagnosed a year ago, and my nurse seems to think its to do with the insulin encouraging this. has anybody else had experience of this?
I feel as if im eating as healthy as i ever had done and have a decent exercise regime.
is the nurse right? or should i be doing something else to keep the weight off? I dont wanna cut any more food out as ill starve! lol

Thanks in advance,


Yes , I know all about the dreaded Insulin weight gain Im affraid 😡 I gained over 2 stone when I first went on Insulin , I was feeding my Insulin though . I have since lost all the weight and a little extra (thank god ) If you like your food but still want to lose weight have you considered a Low Carb diet at all ? I am a Low Carber and I am never hungry , you can still have a good meal without filling up on Carbs , and you would also lose weight or maintain a healthy weight without any depriving yourself. Also I have found that since reducing Carbs I have decreased my Insulin requirements which in turn reduces appetite. I would say that a Low Carb diet is not suitable for everyone as we are all different , but it has worked for me and a few others in reducing sugar levels etc. good luck 🙂
Hi Mikee, like you I have been diagnosed for just over a year, and since Christmas I have gained about 35 pounds. When I was diagnosed I was seriously underweight, so really I am back at the level I was a while back, but I have noticed that I am still gaining weight although at a slower pace. Were you prone to weight gain prior to diagnosis? Do you have many hypos? I ask this because what I found I was doing was taking more than strictly necessary for my meal bolus and then eating biscuits and stuff when I subsequently dropped low. Also, taking insulin by injection does tend to make us hungrier because we're not matching the insulin to the rise in BG levels as a normal pancreas would - pumps are better in this respect as they deliver a slower 'trickle', but still not as good as the real thing!
i wouldnt say i was prone to gaining weight but like you i lost a lot of weight before finding out it was because i had become diabetic. i have now got back to my original weight and then some! i have had a few incidents where i have had to eat some biccys and stuff when dropping low, so maybe my insulin is more than i should be taking. ill have to have a chat with the nurse again to try and sort it out but ive got the feeling i will be forever chasing the insulin dosages like many others!
on the note of the low carb diet, i will have to look into that and see how to adjust towards it as it does sound a good idea.
i wouldnt say i was prone to gaining weight but like you i lost a lot of weight before finding out it was because i had become diabetic. i have now got back to my original weight and then some! i have had a few incidents where i have had to eat some biccys and stuff when dropping low, so maybe my insulin is more than i should be taking. ill have to have a chat with the nurse again to try and sort it out but ive got the feeling i will be forever chasing the insulin dosages like many others!
on the note of the low carb diet, i will have to look into that and see how to adjust towards it as it does sound a good idea.

With regards to Low Carbing or restricting Carbs in anyway , I would suggest you start by just reducing gradually, rather than all at once . Maybe just reduce portion sizes of carbs ( potatoes etc) and fill up on other veg , meat etc . Go for Low GI bread and other Low Gi foods too as you will feel fuller for longer, also they are slow release so less likelihood of hypos later. 🙂 If you need any advice or pointers on what to eat when reducing Carbs you can always pop in to the Low Carb thread .
It's quite common to gain weight when you go on insulin. I think a lot of it can be down to regaining the weight lost pre diagnosis. Then avoiding and treating lows can be a nightmare too!
Before I was diagnosed, I didn't loose too much if any, maybe half a stone. When I saw the doc for the first time he said (quite matter of factly), be careful you're more likely to put weigh on being diabetic! Confused me, I put the half stone back on, but no more, I've always been pretty steady with my weight, and if anything I've lost a little now as I'm snacking less. I guess as ever we're all different.
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